Some days, there are too many to list, but here are just a few:
1. Pulling a door that says "push" instead of "pull."
This one is especially awkward when it is a glass door, for all people to visibly watch you make a fool out of yourself. It's okay, just play it off and act like you totally meant to do that.
2. Saying goodbye to someone and realizing you both are going the same way.
You meet with your classmate from math at the library, study, make some small talk, say your goodbyes—"See ya in class Thursday!"—only to realize that he is headed the same direction as you. Classic.
3. Walking on a crowded sidewalk and carelessly swinging your hand into someone else's hand.
I'm like, "Hey, what's up? Hello?"
4. Realizing your sound is on while you are watching Snapchats in a stall in a public bathroom.
A Snap Story of your friends loudly and obnoxiously singing Blank Space by TSwift from last night at the frats... all for the entire women's restroom to hear.
5. Waving to someone, and they don't see you.
The worst is when you try to wave again and they still didn't see you. Like... okay, bye.
6. When someone holds the door for you and you are miles away.
You frantically speed walk and are out of breath while the person just smiles and watches you, holding the door, for a good two minutes. "Thank you?"
7. Instagram creeping hardcore and accidentally liking a picture from several weeks ago.
I this is awkward. Curse you finger for double tapping!
8. Attempting to parallel park.
I avoid this as much as I can, but when I HAVE to... gimme like ten attempts, and I'll be good.
9. Asking someone at a store where the restrooms are and realizing they don't work there.
Honestly, it's not my fault you chose to wear the same t-shirt color as the employees that work here. Common mistake.
10. When you run into someone walking, but they go the same direction as you, and you do it five more times until you finally figure it out.
*Awkward laughter follows* "Haha... sorry." Bonus points if he/she is cute.
11. When your waitress/waiter says "Enjoy your meal!" and you reply, "Thanks you too!"
I usually just smile in this case and act like I'm too dumb to acknowledge what I said.
12. Telling a joke and forgetting the punchline halfway through.
This is the worst in front of big groups.
13. Answering back to someone you think is talking to you, but they are actually on their bluetooth.
This one usually happens at work when I take a customer's order.
14. Seeing your professor out in public.
I forget that they have social lives too.
15. When you talk on the phone and you and the other person on the line keep interrupting each other.
You: "What?"
Them: "What?!"
You: "Oh, were you going to say something?"
Them: "No, you go ahead!"
You: "No, you!"
16. Putting your change back in your wallet after you pay for something.
The cashier stands there and the next customer in line is hovering over you. So, you just throw it all in your wallet, because there's no time to put things back in their correct place.
17. Accidentally making eye contact with someone through a bathroom stall in that most-awkward bathroom stall gap.
18. Texting the wrong person.
"Do you have any sticky boobs I can borrow?" was an actual text I mean't to send to one of my girlfriends, but I sent it to a boy on accident.
19. Riding in an elevator.
A thirty-second ride feels like two hours. Just make no eye contact, and act like you are texting.
20. Standing in long lines.
This is when I take out my phone and scroll on all my social media apps, trying to act like I'm doing something important.