Everyone starts college thinking it will be the time of their life... taking classes you are actually interested in, hanging out with your friends all the time, picking your own schedule, living away from home, and having a lot more freedom. But let's be honest, there's a lot more to college than we initially thought, like tons of school work, sleep deprivation, not knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life, being constantly broke, and stress on stress on stress. Sometimes, it's even just the little things that will send us into full blown hysteria.
Here are 20 moments of pure panic all college students know.
1. Realizing you forgot about an assignment or a test.
2. Being locked out of your room after a shower wearing only a towel.
3. Trying to find your friends in the dining hall.
4. Having less than $10 in your account.
5. Trying to survive two broke weeks until pay day.
6. Forgetting to set your alarm.
7. Realizing you’re in the wrong class.
8. Walking into the wrong dorm room/suite.
9. Being asked “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?”
10. Being asked “Are you dating anyone?”
11. When your laptop dies as soon as your 2 ½ hour class begins/before saving an assignment.
12. Forgetting to set a timer for your laundry and remembering about it hours later.
13. Anytime anyone mentions “college loans.”
14. Thinking about how much you pay for tuition.
15. Having a class with that person you’ve been trying to avoid.
16. When your laptop completely sh*ts the bed.
17. Skipping one class one time and missing EVERYTHING.
18. Going out on Thursday even though you have an 8:30 a.m. on Friday.
19. When you thought it was Friday but it’s only Tuesday.
20. Saying you’ll start your assignment after one more episode of *something* on Netflix until it's 4 a.m. and you watched a whole season.
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