In this very recent Olympic Games, we have had many American athletes make our hearts swell with pride because of their amazing performance. And while they didn't have to win medals to do that, Michael Phelps swept swimming by earning six medals, five gold and one silver, at Rio. Add this to his already 22, and he has earned 28 Olympic medals. This is a lot of medals, and in case you're not aware, I am here to put it in perspective for you.
Michael Phelps has more medals than...
1. The movies "Titanic" and "Avatar" have combined Oscar nominations.
2. A giraffe has vertebrae in its neck.
3. The U.S. Constitution has amendments.
4. The Beatles had number one hits.
5. The Steelers and Cowboys combined Super Bowl appearances.
6. The Yankees have World Series wins.
7. Years Michael Phelps himself has been swimming.
8. Years we’ve had Google.
9. Pixar has movies.
10. Meryl Streep has Oscar nominations (or wins).
11. The number of women in the U.S. Senate.
12. There are cities in the U.S. with over a million residents.
13. Four times the number of people killed in shark attacks in 2015.
14. Tiger Woods has won golfing majors.
15. Years "The Simpsons" has been airing.
16. Number of times the band The Rolling Stones have collectively had brushes with the law.
17. "America’s Next Top Model" winners there have been.
18. The number of court appearances Lindsay Lohan has made.
19. The number of feet that have been on the moon.