Joey from "Friends" gave some of the best advice I've ever heard. He also had some of the best one-liners on the show. Sorry, Chandler, but it's true. Here are the 20 best lines from Joey on "Friends!"
1. "It's all just a moo point."
2. "I'm sorry."
3. "Come watch TV in the fort!"
4. "Could I BE wearing any more clothes?"
5. "Food? Oh, give me."
6. The signature Joey line, "How you doin'?"
7. "I don't like it when people take food off of my plate, OK?"
8. "I just want to feed her grapes and brush her hair." 
9. "I'm Chandler."
10. "I'm curvy and I like it!"
11. "I'm not even sorry."
12. "It's not what you said, it's the way you said it."
13. "Joey doesn't share food!"
14. "Just one kiss. I won't tell anyone."
15. "Occupation? Dinosaurs."
16. "Listen, is it obvious I'm wearing six sweaters?"
17. "Pizza, we like pizza!"
18. "Well, the fridge broke. So I had to eat everything."
19. "I don't hang up on your friends."
20. "You ordered pizza without me?"
Oh sweet Joseph, thank you for all of your wisdom, and for loving food so much. Thank you for showing that being yourself is the absolute best and that you just need to order two pizzas sometimes.