20 Life Lessons I Learned In 20 Years | The Odyssey Online
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20 Life Lessons I Learned In 20 Years

Though my life hasn't always been a smooth ride, there are so many lessons I learned in my experiences that I would like to share with you.

20 Life Lessons I Learned In 20 Years

1. Trust your gut

This is something my mom has always told me because “your gut instinct is never going to be wrong” as she has always said. This is not something I have always believed, so I have made mistakes that could have been avoided if I had just trusted my gut instinct.

2. It's okay to make mistakes

You will make mistakes and it’s not the end of the world when you make one (even though it may feel like it at the time). Everyone makes mistakes and you learn from them.

3. It's okay to be alone

For as long as I can remember I have been afraid to be alone and not have any friends. This summer after my best friend and I had a falling out, I didn’t have any friends here in my hometown so I was alone. I learned a lot about myself and have grown to love myself more than I ever thought I would.

4. Learn to love yourself

How can you expect someone else to love you if you don’t love yourself? That is something I have always heard and until recently I thought it was just a dumb saying. I have come to realize that it’s very true.

5. Travel whenever you have the chance

It’s always nice to visit somewhere you have never been. Meet new people and get away from daily stresses whenever you can.

6. Treat yourself every once in a while

Get your nails done or go buy something that you’ve had your eye on. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do something nice for yourself. It’ll make you feel good. You deserve it.

7. Take pictures

There are too many memories I have that I would love to be able to share with the people that weren't in my life when those memories took place.

8. It's okay to say no

If something makes you uncomfortable, you just don’t want to do something, or you have too much on your plate at the moment, say no. It’s okay and the world isn’t going to end just because you say no.

9. Not everyone is going to like you

I’m a people pleaser and I used to not have it under control like I do now. I used to get so heartbroken when someone didn’t like me. I have come to terms with the fact that there will always be someone doesn’t like me and that’s okay, it’s not my fault.

10. High school is not forever

Enjoy those four years with your friends, but ignore the drama and don’t let people bring you down. Remember that you will be off to bigger and better things once you graduate.

11. Do not rush growing up

I know this is something everyone says to kids, but it’s so true. I remember getting so annoyed when I would say I couldn’t wait to grow up and my mom or dad would say “Don’t rush it and enjoy being a kid”. I wish I would’ve listened to them. Once you grow up and hit that adult age, you have a lot more responsibilities and you realize that not everything is free. Just enjoy being young.


I don’t care who you are, if someone tells you no for whatever reason you have to respect that.

13. It’s okay to have high standards, even when it comes to boys.

I have settled too many times in my life and it wasn't always when it came to boys. Don't ever settle for less than what you feel like you deserve because you won't be happy.

14. Your heart can feel at home in two places at the same time

If you have ever been in a long distance relationship then you have definitely experienced this feeling before.

15. Keep your inner child well and truly alive.

One of my biggest stress relievers is to just sit in front of the TV watching a Disney movie and coloring. It's never fun to always have to be an adult.

16. Never let someone tell you that your emotions are invalid

No one else has lived the same exact experiences as you and they have no right to dictate your emotions.

17. Long distance relationships are doable

This is especially true with the kind of technology we have today. Without a doubt, it's hard as hell and you'll get angry for no reason sometimes, but long distance relationships are definitely possible. All you need is a good webcam and an attitude adjustment.

18. Real friends don't play mind games

If a friend or significant other is making you feel bad about yourself, trying to make you jealous, etc., then you need to let go of them. A real friend doesn't do that to you.

19. Forgetting your friends because of your relationship isn't good

I've been that girl and no one likes her. Your relationship shouldn't affect your friendships. When it does, you have a problem.

20. You don't have it all figured out.

I know I don't have life completely figured out and I never will, so only take this article with a grain of salt. Some of the lessons I have learned may not relate to you, but that's okay I'm still trying to figure this whole life thing out.

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