If you were involved in ALA Girls State , there are some valuable lessons that you can draw from your experience. How many of these ring a bell for you?
1. You better wake up before the Sheriff wakes you up.
Nothing is more painful than being forced out of bed against your will by someone you have known for less than 48 hours.
2. Public speaking is terrifying but not life or death.
Okay, maybe some girls did giggle... WHO CARES?! I can guarantee that someone out there heard you loud and clear. THAT is what makes the difference!
3. Your counselor will be your best friend if you let her.
TBH this is the person that you will text when your life is going great and when it seems like your world is falling apart. You will want to come back to visit her before the month is up, I promise.
4. ALWAYS go to the bathroom before going into assemblies.
Nothing is more awkward than walking out of the room when the Governor is speaking... well, maybe doing to potty dance in your seat is... I'll leave that one for you to decide.
5. There is no such thing as too much caffeine.
Seriously, though. Get that extra Pepsi/ Mountain Dew/ coffee at every meal. You won't regret it!
6. It is impossible to learn everyone's name in a week but you can try all you want.
Everyone is in the same boat. It is okay to ask that person for the sixth time, but do try to make an effort because she might not tell you the seventh time you ask.
7. Walking across campus in heels is not a good idea.
Ouch! Definitely don't do it the first day. If you want to suffer the consequences on move out day, you can try on Friday. Just don't come crying to me when your feet are covered in blisters.
8. Yes, buy the extra t-shirt/sweatshirt/PJs at the store.
You are the cool kid on campus with the clothes that have "Girls State" written all over them. Plus, you may never be able to get the clothes again. Go big or go home!
9. Don’t bother with pants, because a dress is cooler and faster to put on.
It will save you the extra three minutes to hit snooze for the eighth time. You can thank me later.
10. Sleep, what’s that?
It's only a week, you can sleep when you go home.
11. “Glitter” is worse than the "F-bomb" here.
Do. NOT. Say. It. Just don't!
12. Random dance parties are 100% socially acceptable even though no one from back home will understand.
From Beyonce to T-Swift, you'll be jamming all week. Watch out, the staff loves to dance too!
13. There is no such thing as too many cookies.
Seriously, you are never full enough for just one more.
14. If you haven’t lost your voice by Friday, you are doing something wrong.
Chanting and city spirit is EVERYTHING. Work out some good cheers at the beginning of the week and you'll be golden. Spread that spirit LOUD and PROUD!
15. You should pack the extra pair of shoes.
Eighteen is never too many, you just might not have enough space in your bag.
16. It is okay to cry, just make sure you have tissues.
Between the lack of sleep and the amazing speakers/performances, it is okay to show your emotions. Just make sure you have the tissue
17. The staff is not as scary as they look.
These ladies are the reason why you are here. They work their butts off all year, so you can have this experience for a week. They want to get to know you and hear your thoughts, so say hi or even join them for a song or two!
18. It is okay to be sad when the week ends.
You have just lived with these girls for a week, of
19. Between the yummy food and the lack of sleep, the Girls State 5 is a very real thing.
You'll have plenty of time to work off that "Girls State" weight before senior year begins. So eat up and don't worry about it!
20. You will make lifelong friends and leave the week a different person, all for the better.
This week is one that you will be telling your grandkids about one day. As you continue on your journey, don't be surprised by the people you might meet that were delegates too. Feel lucky because you both will have shared experiences that other girls only dream about. Soak it in, take lots of pictures, and enjoy your week being the person you truly are.