My parents always encouraged me to be whomever I wanted to be and to pursue whatever life I was looking to live. I’m not sure if they ever noticed, my ultimate goal is to become someone who will constantly make them proud.
My mom and dad have constantly provided me with words of advice, wisdom and encouragement to help lead me into the person I am today and for that I am forever grateful. Here are some of the lessons my mama bear and papa bear have taught me.
1. Always smile.
Whatever you are going to do with your life please make sure it makes you happy. Nothing is worth it if you aren’t smiling. Even during the tough times, find the ray of light no matter how small it may seem. Not every day is going to be a good day, but there is at least one good thing that will come from everyday, remember that.
2. Be kind to everyone, no matter what.
Not everyone is going to be as nice or as kind hearted as you are, and that’s okay. Do not let them discourage you, still treat them with kindness, maybe all they need is for someone to give them a reason to smile.
3. Never forget your manners.
The words please and thank you will get you a long way. The same goes for holding the door, paying attention to the people around you, making eye contact, and apologizing when necessary. These things will not always come easy, but they will make you a good person.
4. Be proud of your roots.
Part of who you are is where you came from. Your town has shaped you into a beautiful person full of growth and potential. Do not let anyone try and tell you otherwise. They have not lived the same roots as you and therefore their judgment of your home is not one that should concern you.
5. Keep an open mind.
As you grow up you are going to learn that people have a lot of different ideas from your own and that’s okay. Hear them out and learn from the others perspective.
6. Love, Love, Love.
When I say love I don’t just mean fall hopelessly in love with someone and start a relationship. Yes that’s part of it, but not nearly all of it. Love the friends and family who you care about, and who you hold close to your heart. Love the things that you do and the person you are becoming. Most importantly, love yourself, and love always.
7. Stand up for yourself.
There are going to be times in your life when someone or something is going to put you down, and make you feel small. But you are brave, and you should not let anyone or anything in this world make you feel bad, because you are far too beautiful to be sad.
8. Speak the truth.
Even if it’s scary, even if your voice shakes, speak the truth and speak it completely. Your voice deserves to be heard.
9. Be thankful.
A lot of the times we take advantage of the world we are living in and we forget just how blessed we are. Take at least one moment out of your day, to recognize and appreciate all that you have and all that has been given to you. Some people may not be as fortunate as you.
10. Have some fun.
Your life isn’t meant to be all serious and concentrated. There are times when you just need to let go and sing at the top of your lungs and go on an adventure.
11. Be fearless.
There are going to be times when you are too scared, too anxious, too nervous to do whatever it is you may have set out to do. Sometimes all you have to do is just ignore that feeling, and take the jump. Follow your heart wherever it may lead you.
12. Always lend a helping hand.
It is important to help the people in our lives, whether they are only there for a minute or a lifetime.
13. Believe in yourself.
You have to believe that you are going to do whatever you set your heart to doing. You are the person in control of designing a life that you love. If you believe you can do something, you will be able to do it.
14. Never give up.
Even if it seems the world is against, and everything around you feels like it is crumbling down, please do not give up. This is just the beginning of your beautiful masterpiece and you are capable of overcoming any obstacle that is thrown your way no matter how big and scary it may seem.
15. Take chances.
The only way you will know if a chance was worth taking, is if you take it. It’s okay to be bold, to be brave, and to be fearless at times. In life you are going to have to take chances, be confident in the chances you are taking.
16. Be a leader.
Make your own decisions, follow your own heart, and dance to the beat of your own drum. You do not have to follow other people in the life they are creating, continue to be yourself and follow your own path.
17. Give everything your all.
Everyday, with everything you do, make sure you give it all that you have. Because if you don’t, you are going to wake up tomorrow morning wishing you had tried harder.
18. Forgive.
People are going to hurt you, sometimes even you are going to hurt yourself by the choices that you have made. It’s important to forgive the wrongs that may have caused you pain. No words or actions are worth you holding onto that pain. Let it go.
19. Dream big and dream often.
There is no dream too big and no goal too far out of your reach. If you continue to give everyday your all and work towards the dreams you are making, you will get there.
20. Have faith.
Even in the simplest of things have some faith that everything is going to work out the way you had planned, even if you may have to take the long way to get there.
Mama Bear & Papa Bear,
Everyday you are still showing me how to live with these ideals in mind, and everyday the list grows longer with what you are teaching me. I am extremely grateful and fortunate to have you two as my parents. As I get older and I continue to grow up, not only do I want to grow into a person that will make you proud, but I also want to grow into a person who is just like the two of you. Thank you for all that you continue to give me everyday.
Love Always,
Baby Bear.