In my 20 years, I've learned a thing or two.
Here are some of the many lessons that I've come to learn during my time in this crazy world.
1. Change is necessary.
Life is constantly placing us in new surroundings, under different circumstances. Learning to embrace them is important.
2. Time flies.
I'm truly convinced that as you get older, time starts to speed up. You really have to appreciate the moment that you're in when you are in it, because it'll be a memory before you know it.
3. Sleep is important.
As the years go by, I value sleep more and more. Don't ever take a solid night for granted.
4. You can't please everybody.
"You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches." Just do you, man.
5. Use your blinkers.
Definitely not a deep, meaningful lesson but one of the most important. Few things are more annoying than this.
6. Nothing is permanent.
Bittersweet, but true. Things change all of the time; so if you're sad, you won't be sad forever and if you're happy, be sure to take it all in. Tomorrow could be completely different.
7. Take the time to tell people you love them.
Life is unpredictable and you truly never know when you can lose someone important to you. That being said, no one has ever regretted telling their loved ones that they appreciate them.
8. Fitness is cool, but donuts are cooler.
Being healthy is nice and all, but eat some tacos and donuts for your mental health. Life is short.
9. Be a nice person.
It really doesn't take a lot to just be good to people, and it definitely does make a difference.
10. College is haaaaard...
Study, study, study and when you think you're done studying, you should probably just study some more.
11. But, College is so fun.
In just two years, I've met some of the greatest people I know and made some of the best memories. You know something is great when you already miss it, and it's not even over yet.
12. Less is more.
*unless referring to sleep, food, or laughter.
13. Parents are the greatest.
No one truly loves you as much as these two. You may argue and not see eye to eye, but at the end of each day, they'll always have your back--don't forget that.
14. Saving money is really difficult.
I thought learning to make money was hard, but learning how to save that money was (is) even harder.
15. It's okay to be sad.
Sometimes you just have to let yourself feel what you're feeling. Things always pass eventually.
16. Hard work pays off.
Effort is so important and the more you put into something, the more you'll get out. Success is rewarding when you've worked for it.
17. Social media sucks sometimes.
Yes, it's great and we're all obsessed with it. But sometimes, social media really takes away from a lot of things and does more harm than good.
18. Laughing can cure almost anything.
Well maybe not anything, but a lot.
19. There's nothing like a good beach day.
Sunshine is one of the greatest things in this world and an instant mood-booster.
20. Surround yourself with supportive people.
It's so much easier to be happy and when you're surrounded by people who lift you up and simply love you for you. Finding genuine relationships is so important.