I turn 20-years-old tomorrow. That's a scary thought for me. I'm quickly approaching the real world, and here are 20 important things I've learned in my 20 trips around the sun.
I am 20% of the way through my life.
Is there such a thing as a quarter life crisis? If not, there is now...
My family is beginning to recognize and treat me as an adult.
This kind of just means that I have to pay for a bunch of stuff now.
See previous point.
Yay! I'm not a teenager anymore! Oh shit, I'm not a teenager anymore...
Having a strong bond with your family can move mountains.
Stephanie Oaster
Like it or not, I'm stuck with my family. I might as well make the most of it.
When you're friends with your coworkers, work is so much more enjoyable.
Alexis Tuohey
It's really cool when you can be friends and hang out with your coworkers off the clock. It really does make work better. Y'all know who you are.
This birthday is meaningless.
Sure, it's a new decade, but can I drink yet? No. My friends will all be 21 MONTHS before I will. On the bright side, when I'm 29 and they're all 30, who will be laughing then?
There are so many places I want to go and so many things I want to see in this world.
Lauren Oaster
Might as well start now!
Coffee is really, really important.
I am really close to graduating college, no closer to figuring out where exactly I want my life to take me, and I'm sort of okay with it.
Emphasis on "sort of".
Birthdays become less fun the older you get.
When we were younger it was all about what new toy or Nintendo DS game we wanted. This year, I'm working on my birthday and I'm thankful for it.
Spend as much time with your grandparents as you possibly can.
Stephanie Oaster
Mine are absolutely incredible, and all four of mine are still here, which is more than most can say. Love you, Mom-mom and Pop-pop and Pa and Grandmom Geri!
My parents are the way they are because they give a shit.
Both of my parents remarried and I used to think it was annoying, but now I'm so thankful to have four people watching out for me. I've realized over the years that everything they do they do because they care and want what's best for me.
There is nothing better in this world than Mom's homemade chicken pot pie.
Especially after a long day.
College is hard and expensive, but I'll thank myself later. Probably.
(in 15 years when all of my student loans are paid off...)
Life is short.
I went to the adult doctor (translation: not the pediatrician) for the first time a few months ago, and she asked me if I had a living will. It stopped me in my tracks, but made me realize that anything could happen at any time.
Now the term "in her early twenties" applies to me.
That's a weird thought, jeez. I feel old.
There will ALWAYS be people who don't like me.
This is something I've always struggled with. I've always been a people-pleaser, too nice, and a pushover, but I've grown a thick skin and I know that I don't need to be universally liked to consider myself successful.
"Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" - Someone Famous
Dogs are the best.
Stephanie Oaster
I promise, this is an important life lesson.