Not too long ago God had given me the chance to turn 20 years old. Its crazy! Like, I'm 20. IM 20 YEARS OLD! As I sat on my bed on my birthday, I could not stop thanking God for allowing me to have another year. As I'm there, I begin to think of all that I went through to this point of my life. I can truly say that God has been by my side every step of the way. From healing me from my childhood, to now sitting on my bed writing this; and He will continue to be by my side. Here are some lessons I've learned from living two decades!
1. Everything is going to be okay.
As a teen, I would get over-whelmed by all the problems surrounding
me, and think that nothing in my life was going to be okay. But, God knew
otherwise. God assured me that He had a purpose for my life, and embraced me
with His presence telling me everything was going to be okay.
2. Not all friendships and relationships last.
Being a 6th grader and having my first "real" breakup, I remember a teacher telling me that I would date so many people until I find the right person to marry. I was so broken up about this one guy when not all relationships last. Especially friends, so many come and go, but if you have that one or two friends that have stick with you through thick and thin; that's all that really matters.
3. I've learned to be very independent.
In life you have to do everything yourself, sometimes depending on others won't get you the results you need. I've learned that I have to work to buy what I need, i have to call people to get information. Being in college has lead me to learn that I am responsible for my actions. Mom and Dad aren't here to tell me what to do, I have to be responsible in knowing what everything I do has consequence, whether it is good or bad.
4. Good to ask questions.
5. Nap as much as you can!
Always having a crazy week doesn't leave you much time to sleep. You work, go to school, do homework, watch 'Netflix', there isn't time! So taking quick... or long naps are the best!
6. Netflix is life.
When the day comes to an end, 'Netflix' is the way to go.7. You will most likely work all through out college.
A couple months ago, I swore I wasn't going to work this year. The pass two semesters were very difficult working full time. I made sure I had all my loans in place, saved as much as I could in the summer and put it toward school. But, turned out, I still needed to work! And thats okay! I got a new job working front desk at my University and a weekend job. Im not complaining, because I know that God is good, and He knew that I needed to still work.
8. College is not easy.
As a high school senior, I was ready for college, its all I've talked about being in high school. I was ready! And so I thought. College is not easy, but I can't imagine not going to college. I can't tell you how much I've grown spiritually and mentally. After one year, I was not the same Maggie that came on Moving-in Day. I gotten my priorities straight, and focus on what was important.
9. Freshmen 15 is real.
My second semester on campus was serious. Losing self-control, I started eating whatever I wanted and starting eating late. Don't do it! Freshman 15 is indeed real!
10. Living on campus can be lonely.
First year of college was not that easy for me, meeting
friends was the hardest part of college. I had the job, the grades, but
I didn't have the friends. I knew people, but I didn't have a person
to always hang out with. It wasn't until my second semester on campus that
I got me a really good friend. And now she's my suite mate! Campus
can be lonely, but find try to find someone that make dorm-ing worth
11. Don't get too many credit cards.
After being 18 you are allowed to get credit cards. YAYYY MORE DEBTTTT! From my experiences, learn to mange them and please just get one. Seriously.12. Think two, three, or four times before buying something.
If your paying for college yourself, like me, I would advise you to think multiple times before you go shopping or wanting to buy something. Think, "am I going to really need it", "am I going to use it more than once?". Those statements will help you make your decision on whether or not to buy it!
13. There is always something wrong with my car.
Driving a 2004 car is not the best, but it does get me from point A to point B. After this summer, I realize that something is always going to be wrong with my car, because its old and it happens. No more stressing out about it.
14. Managing self-control is harder said than done.
From having that extra slice of pizza, to watching another episode of Law and Order instead of doing homework. Self-control is not easy, but it can be done!
15. Putting too much on your plate can cause you to breakdown... A lot.
From my first year of college working more than 40 hours a week and taking 17 credits, I can't tell you how much I've broke down in the prayer room. Classes are hard enough, don't stuff your plate too much. It can cause so much stress, and lose the reason why your here.
16. Coffee is your best friend.
With work, late nights doing homework, and early classes, coffee will help you get through your day!
17. Your public speaking class helps a lot.
Being an introvert, speaking in public wasn't easy for me. I would start to shake, my voice would get shaky, and would mess up a lot. But, it helped me! It helped me to talk with ease, and talk with a voice!
18. Taking Summer classes help ALOT.
Taking Summer and/or Winter classes will help you graduate college a lot faster, and you save so much more money! Taking classes in the Summer got me graduating a year early!
19. Have fun.
College isn't just about getting your degree, its four years of living without your parents, going to sleep till the next morning, studying with the best people on earth. College is about having fun and enjoy this part in our lives. Cheers! To learning so much in one year than in my whole life!20. Future planning is totally fine!
Planning for the future is great! It gets you motivated to finish college and begin another chapter in your life. Enjoy life! God loves us and wants us to enjoy this life He was prepared for us!