I used to be so scared to grow up. I used to fear what the future held and I was nervous to venture out of my comfort zone. However, as I approach my junior year of college, I look back and reflect on my life and what I have done to get to where I am today. I realized that not only have I changed a tremendous amount, but I have also learned valuable life lessons-- lessons that I wasn't taught, but ones that I learned on my own through experience. Here are 20 things I learned by age 20:
1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
The more time you spend comparing yourself to the girls you see as you scroll through your Instagram feed, the unhappier you will be. Be happy with yourself.
2. Make time for your family, along with your friends.
Your family has been there for you for longer than you can even remember, and they love you more than you can even imagine. As much as spending time with friends is, make sure to spend some quality time with mom and dad too.
3. Take risks. If you never leave your comfort zone, you will never see what you are truly missing out on in the world.
Try something new. Whether it's a new food, a new activity or traveling to a new place. I guarantee you will not look back afterwards and say "wow, I really wish I hadn't tried that."
4. Eliminate the negative people in your life.
Life is too short to spend time with anyone who doesn't make you happy. I struggled with this especially after I graduated high school and went to college, when I started growing apart from certain friends. I never like to hurt anyone's feelings and I would end up spending time with people because I felt obligated to. I now realize that if I am not happy when hanging out with someone, they aren't worth hanging out with in the first place.
5. Ask for what you want.
No one can read minds. Know what you want, and ask for it.
6. Set goals for yourself.
I'm not talking about long-term "I want to be a millionaire when I grow up" kind of goals. I'm talking about simple things like making a promise to yourself to try to boost your GPA by a couple points or making a vow to eat healthier. Goals as simple as these are really attainable and will make you feel amazing if you fulfill them.
7. You need time to relax.
Especially as a college student, life can get really hectic, really fast. Make time to relax and give yourself some time to be alone and recharge.
8. Save your money.
Do not blow your entire paycheck the second you get it. You'll thank yourself later.
9. Don't be afraid to act confident.
Confidence is always key. Everyone has at least one thing that they are proud of, and you shouldn't be afraid to act like it every once in a while!
10. Keep your traditions.
As we get older, we tend to try tons of new things. However, never forget about old traditions. Whether it is an annual family vacation, or a favorite restaurant that you and your friends used to go to. You're never too old to enjoy the things that you used to do when you were younger.
11. Time goes by fast.
I never realized just how fast time flies until I entered college. I still can't even process the fact that I am in my twenties.Make sure to live in the moment.
12. Learn to cook.
Cooking is a great life skill to have. I take great pride in cooking my own food and making creative combinations! Plus, you can't live on Chinese takeout forever, so might as well try and experiment with cooking some balanced meals.
13. You won't stay friends with everyone forever.
I used to freak out about losing friends. I would desperately try to salvage every friendship, even the ones I knew deep down wouldn't last. I have now learned that it is OK to have friends come and go out of your life. I believe that each person that comes into your life teaches you something, whether it is good or bad. Short term friendships can be just as meaningful as long term ones.
14. The friends you stay friends with will be there for life.
Now is the time in your life where you meet your lifelong friends. By your twenties, you have gone through so many changes and experienced so many new things. The people that stay by your side through all of the ups and downs are the ones who are worth keeping around.
15. Be nice to people.
This may seem simple, but there are so many bitter people out there in the world. Working in retail has really showed me just how rude and inconsiderate some people can be. Don't feel intimidated to smile at people, even if they may not smile back. Radiating positive energy will encourage others to do the same.
16. Being genuine is the most important quality to have.
Being yourself is the best personality trait there is. I don't have time for fake people. I am myself with everyone I meet, and I can't tell you how nice it is to not have to worry about acting or looking a certain way in order to impress people.
17. Learn to love and accept yourself for the way you are.
Be proud of your body. You may not be able to fit into those skinny jeans that you used to wear all the time, but it's part of growing up. Your body will change as you get older, and the best thing you can do is love and take care of it.
18. Don't stress out about the bad days.
You're going to have days where you feel like the world is ending, but part of life is falling down and getting back up. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
19. Don't dwell on the past.
Life is too short to hold grudges and live in the past. It is all about living in the moment and preparing for your future. So if someone has screwed you over in the past, instead of hating them forever, just tell yourself that everything happens for a reason, and forget about it. They don't deserve to be in your life anyway.
20. Realize how lucky you are.
When I think about all the wonderful things I have in life, it is amazing. An amazing family, good health, and true friends are not things to be taken for granted. Some people are not as lucky as you are. Take a moment to be thankful for all the good things you have in your life-- you won't regret it.