20 Christmas Gifts Every Millennial Woman Wanted In 2006
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20 Christmas Gifts Every Millennial Woman Wanted In 2006

Troy Bolton under my tree.

20 Christmas Gifts Every Millennial Woman Wanted In 2006
Sara Petty

The year is 2006. You're either almost done with elementary school (ugh, finally) or deep in the hell of middle school. Regardless, your 2006 self is very excited for Christmas coming up to finally get all of the super cool stuff you've been dying to have all year. (Especially because Kayla is rich and her parents already let her get half of this stuff.)

1. An iPod Nano (2nd generation) in your favorite color

Because carrying around Hilary's Duff's "Most Wanted" CD and listening to it on your CD player was getting a little bit too inconvenient.

2. "Guitar Hero 2"

The hottest game of 2006 needed to be in your house and in your PS2 PRONTO.

3. 6 Aeropostale graphic tees in 6 different colors

Bonus points if it had a cool collar on it.

4. A digital camera

Because how the heck else were you supposed to take photos of you and your 5 friends making a star out of your fingers?

5. A puka shell necklace

All of the hottest boys in school had one.

6. Zac Efron 3-foot poster

"High School Musical" was brand new and your mom said no to kidnapping him and putting him under your tree. Ugh, what 2006 you would GIVE to be Gabriella Montez.

7. The newest Tiger Beat or J-14 magazine

Vanessa Hudgen's room is messy? OMG, mine is messy too!

8. A MySpace account

The days of away messages and closing door sounds are over and all of the cool kids are on MySpace. Come on mom, please?

9. An American Girl Doll

Whether it was your first or fifth, an American Girl doll was probably at the top of a lot of 2006 lists. (Hopefully some matching outfits, too.)

10. The newest "Sims" edition

For every single time you thought that designing a family and a home and living life for virtual people was getting boring, there's a new version.

11. Hannah Montana's CD

You HAD to get this and then burn it for all of your friends.

12. A fur-hooded Abercrombie coat

Only the coolest kids in school wore this number and you were destined to be next.

13. And the bag from that coat

Honestly just wrap the bag and put it under the tree too. I mean, ABS, am I right?

14. LiveStrong bracelets (more than 10)

If you can see any part of your wrist, you don't have enough.

15. A Chocolate cell phone with unlimited texting

Little did you know that the Voyager was coming out next year and you could watch yourself while taking duck-lipped selfies from 2.5 feet above your head.

16. Plaid, colorful Bermuda shorts

Paired with those Aeropostale tops? You'll be the style icon of the century.

17. The last book in the "Series of Unfortunate Events"

It's not like your entire life was leading up to this point or anything like that...

18. A Coach purse

Because, truly, what is a tween without her luxury bag?

19. A gift card to Claire's

You needed a new pack of 24 earrings, a fuzzy journal and a large collection of low-quality eyeshadows. Way too much to put on your list.

20. Soffe shorts

But you aren't going to fold the elastic over twice like SOME girls did. (You know who you are.)

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