I've been through a lot of ups and downs throughout my life, but my love for words has remained constant. And, it is this love for words that has helped me to make the best of every situation life has handed me.
I think powerful words can evoke powerful feelings, and in order to keep myself feeling comforted and motivated to be my best, I like to surround myself with inspirational quotes. And, I don't think I'm alone in this. I think we all can think of a time that we've seen a quote somewhere and just thought, "Yes, that's what I needed to hear today."
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Some days, I will just cut inspirational words out of magazines and make vision boards out of them. Other days, it's about finding quotes that speak to me, and then compiling them into a notebook to keep with me throughout the day. My roommate and I even once started leaving inspirational notes on our mirror, every day for a month. Whatever way feels right, that's what I do.
For me, hearing or seeing an inspirational quote that truly speaks to me is an incredible experience because it is like knowing there is somebody who understands what I need to hear in order to feel better.
Sometimes, it's others that need them more than me, and just leaving a little note with a few words can brighten someone's day. So, these are my notes to you. Keep this article in your favorites, print the pictures out, send this link to one of your friends, whatever your heart desires. Just remember that there's someone out there who's got your back.1. "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." -Unknown
2. "Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them." -A.A. Milne
3. "Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." -Rumi
4. "In a gentle way, you can shake the world." -Mahatma Gandhi
5. "Be in love with your life, every minute of it." -Jack Kerouac
6. "Embrace the glorious mess that you are." -Elizabeth Gilbert
7. "A head full of fears has no space for dreams." -Unknown
8. "Take the bull by the horns."
9. "Tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it yet." -L.M. Montgomery
10. "Be a light to the world." -Matthew 5:14
11. "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." -Carl Jung
12. "You are enough."
13. "We are what we believe we are." -C.S. Lewis
14. "You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward." -Unknown
15. "The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling." -Fabienne Frederickson
16. "What's comin' will come and we'll meet it when it does." -Hagrid
17. "You are confined only by the walls you build yourself." -Andrew Murphy
18. "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein
19. "I hope you know you're capable and brave and significant, even when it feels like you're not." -Unknown
20. "Actually, I can."
21. "Come on kid, this is your dream." -Unknown
Here's to hoping that this is what you needed to hear today.
Peace and all Good,