These are are lessons that I feel at least most of us would not have learned if it were not for two of our favorite BROTHAAASS.
1. People will say just about anything to someone they think looks good
No matter how stupid it sounds, nor how crazy what they are saying really is, if they think it will impress who they are after, they will most likely say it. (oh and bonus lesson here. Helicopters are dangerous.)
2. What the opposite of a liar is
Don't question it. If you are not a liar, you are a truther!
3. Sometimes you just have to take it easy
There are times when you get so worked up in something that you just have to force yourself to step back, and "just take it easy". There is a point where you wont get anything done unless you do, so take the advice man.
4. Sometimes, sarcasm hurts
So please, be careful when you use it!
5. Pickles=marriage
Hey, who might just work, and just think of how great of a story it would be.
6. You need to actually put work into your school
You may try to outsmart your teacher......but, well, good luck.
7. You CAN ruin cool
If someone complements you, don't ruin it, just enjoy and thank them. Maybe you can even complement them!
8. There is always a right way to start a story
Only one sentence and you KNOW you want to hear the rest of this story.
9. Don't eat a hot-dog if it's dressed up
I mean, it did take a long time to get dressed, so only eat it if its not dressed up.
10. If you have a map, use it
I mean come on, if you have it use it. (This can be applied to more than just maps.)
11. Don't question what life gives you, enjoy
Besides, lemons are so old school.
14. You shouldn't tell people what to do
This is also when we all learned that some people don't respond well to niceness. Or at least, not how we expect them to react.
13. What doing something important looks like
I know, I know, you were doing it all wrong before Drake taught us otherwise.
14. The importance of a name
I mean his name IS Crazy Steve, this should be a warning to all.
15. Do not eat others food
You were warned.
16. Rooms must be named appropriately
I know, this may have been a given, but we wouldn't want any gusts being confused.
17. Flirting is hard
I mean chemistry is great!
18. Be careful what you wish upon someone
It just may come true.
19. Sorry is not always enough
You can't blame those who like sweeten tea.