20 Ideas For A Weekend In London | The Odyssey Online
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20 Ideas For A Weekend In London

"A bad day in London is still better than a good day anywhere else"


For anyone studying abroad or planning on traveling to Europe, London Town is a must-see. There is much to do in this city, here are the ones you have to check off.

1. Kensington Palace

A home and office of the Royals, plus the Diana exhibit. There is a lot to see here and beautiful grounds to walk on.

2. Buckingham Palace

Perhaps the most famous palace, and you can pose like Meghan Markle before she was a princess.

3. Victoria and Albert Museum

A very pretty museum and one that must go on your list.

4. Churchill's War Rooms

This museum offers visitors a unique insight into the Prime Minister's Rooms during World War II.

5. Parliament

Though the Big Ben is under construction until 2021, there are beautiful buildings to see! It also is next to Westminster Abbey, the most famous Anglican church.

6. Tower Bridge

The best time to appreciate the London Bridge is to see it at night, and appreciate the lighting.

7. London Eye

This is the best way to get the bird's eye view of London, and it has to be done.

8. Notting Hill

Portobello Road is a great place to see the Notting Hill houses, and is conveniently close to the bookshop used in the movie Notting Hill.

9. Covent Gardens

London has many cute markets, my personal favorite so far is Covent Gardens. It has cobblestone roads, and many restaurants and stores nearby.

10. Brick Lane in Shoreditch

Shoreditch is the trendy part of London. It has the best fish 'n' chips and the best bagels in the city, both on Brick Lane.

11. The British Museum

Like many museums in London, the British Museum is free. It is home to the Rosetta Stone.

12. Fortnum & Mason

This is the department store version of tea. There's chocolates, biscuits, loose tea, tea bags, tea sets, and everything else you can imagine.

13. High Tea

High Tea in England is a must!

14. Oxford Circus

Oxford Circus is a great street to shop on, and is very pretty in the winter with the Christmas lanterns.

15. Window Shopping at Harrods and on Sloan Street

Harrod's looks like its Christmas all year. Both Harrods and Sloan Street are homes of high end shopping, but its fun for everyone to see the beautiful clothes.

16. West End Show

The West End is the Broadway of London. They have similar shows, so its a great opportunity to splurge on a show you love!

17. St. Paul's Cathedral

This is a beautiful Catholic church to visit.

18. Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Shakespeare's playhouse has been recreated for the modern day, and you can visit it!

19. King's Cross

When you're ready to get on a train to Hogwarts, head over to King's Cross. There is a recreation of Platform 9 3/4 for Harry Potter fans!

20. A Football Game

They don't call it soccer here, but the following is huge. It is a large part of the culture, and great fun to watch!

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