I'm sure we're all well aware of this, but Donald Trump is quite the character. He's garnered a continual stream of media attention as a result of his larger than life persona and controversial comments. Donald Trump has never been one to hold his tongue...I'd even go as far to say that he lacks the mental filter that indicates when it's inappropriate to say something. I think that Donald Trump's lack of decorum has inspired his supporters to speak in a similar fashion. Trump's supporters seem to leap at any opportunity to voice their outspoken opinions. With that being said, here are twenty outrageous, hilarious, and just straight up stupid things that Trump supporters have actually said.
*All of these quotes come from interviews with people who claim themselves to be Trump supporters.
1. "Bill Clinton got aids from messing around with Magic Johnson."
2. "Hillary Clinton uses a body double."
3. "Barack Obama is a Muslim. He's a terrorist."
4. "You don't see Trump supporters screaming, yelling, interrupting...you don't see that."
5. "Barack Obama had a big part in 9/11 by not being around, always being on vacation, and not being in the Oval Office."
6. "Donald Trump is going to make this country do GOOD again."
7. "A woman can't be president. A female has more hormones, she could start a war in ten seconds if she has hot flashes...whatever. Boom."
8. "The people who don't support Trump are the ones who don't pay taxes."
9. "Beyonce is a disgusting, gyrating fool."
10. "I would rather hook up with Donald Trump instead of Ted Cruz because I'm sure Mr. Trump has large hands."
11. "Bernie Sanders is a communist bastard."
12. "I don't care if he has no hands. I love Donald Trump."
13. "Have you noticed that all the trouble in the world today stems from Muslims?"
14. "[Barack Obama] acts like a muslim, he talks like a muslim, and he also does the muslim principles as far as jewelry is concerned...certain months of the year not wearing his wedding ring."
15. "Bernie Sanders will let you bang his wife."
16. "Technically, Obama isn't black because he's half white."
17. "Trump has balls, and that's what we need in this country. Somebody who's gonna voice their opinion the way he does and punch somebody in the face if they don't like it."
18. "Muslims are trying to ethnically cleanse white people."
19. "Hillary Clinton won't be the first female president because we've already had one: Barack Obama."
20. "Donald Trump says what I'm thinking."
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