Let me just start off by saying, Lorelai Gilmore is my spirit animal. No idea who I am taking about? WELL, then you need to go walk on over and sit your little butt on the couch, log onto Netflix and start binge watching Gilmore Girls.... this hot second.
But, if you do know who I am talking about....
Then let's take this time to reminisce on the good ole times of when we would share laughter and tears with the Gilmore Girls.
1. Lorelai: I managed to find Uno and Checkers, and Battleship and most of the pieces of Candyland. Which I figure, we can mix together to create a fabulous new game, Candyship Battleland. War never tasted so good!
2. Rory: You wanna run cross country?
Lorelai: Not across the whole country. Maybe just Michigan.
3. Lorelai: Voices in my head…totally normal, right?
Linny: What
Lorelai: There’s only two. That speak English.
4. Lorelai: You lost me at carrots, which by the way was the first draft of “you had me at hello”.
Sookie: What?
Lorelai: I see we’ve entered the no humor zone.
5. Emily: Do you know that every night at dinner the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively debates about everything under the sun. They would quiz each other about current events, historical events and intellectual trivia. Now the Gilmore clan is just as smart and worldly as the Kennedy’s so come on someone say something.
Lorelai: Did you know that a butt model makes $10,000 a day?
6. Emily: What are you doing?Lorelai: I’m taking out the avocado
Emily: Since when don’t you like avocado?
Lorelai: Since I said “Gross, what’s that?” and you said “Avocado.”
7. Lorelai: If it was physically possible to make love to a hot beverage, this would be the one.
8. Lorelai: And the second thing is, you need to tell me why you’re sitting like that.
Sherry: Maureen told me that Howard Stern said that if you squat, it makes the baby come out faster.
Lorelai: Okay, as long as you have a sane reason from a reliable source.
9. Rory: You set my alarm for 5:15 a.m.
Lorelai: I know, and I did it for purely practical reasons.
Rory: Which are?
Lorelai: My alarm is just not as reliable as your scream.
10. Lorelai: My mother is fast asleep in my bed, clutching my Hello Kitty pillow, and yes, I have pictures.
11. Lorelai: I’m going to go make out in the coat room. Don’t eat my chicken.
12. Lorelai: Independence Inn!
Emily: I need the hat rack.
Lorelai: (whispers) The fish flies at night!
Emily: What?
Lorelai: I don’t know. Who is this?
13. Lorelai: I would like a cheeseburger, with a side of cheeseburger, and see if they can make me a cheeseburger smoothie.
14. Lorelai: I’ll be in in a minute.Luke: Who are you talking to?Lorelai: My other two personalities.
15. Lorelai: Now what’s on the agenda for today? I hear there’s a shipment of plutonium coming in on the docks. And I thought we could dress up as nuns and you could fake a stigmata and you could put the plutonium under your habit.
16. Lorelai: “Why should we date?”
Max: “Because we’re attracted to each other.”
Lorelai: “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.”
17. Lorelai: The only drawback is the name. Coco. Too cutesy. But he’s a rescue so I don’t wanna freak him out by giving him a new name right away, so I’m going to get to the name I want in baby steps. So for the first week I’ll call him Coco to get him acclimated, then Coci, 3rd week Kooky, 4th week Tooky.
Luke: So, you’re going to name him…Tooky
Lorelai: No, I’m going to name him Paul Anka, but it’s going to take awhile to get to Paul Anka
18. *Phone rings*Lorelai: Are you going to answer that?
Michel: No. People are particularly stupid today, I can't talk to any more of them.
19. Kirk: One day it occurred to me. Cows never wrinkle.
20. Rory: Is it raining?
Paris: No, it's National Baptist Day. Tie your tubes, idiot.
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