20 Halloween Costumes That Make Me H*cka Uncomfy | The Odyssey Online
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20 Halloween Costumes That Make Me H*cka Uncomfy

I'm sorry that you're looking at these costumes

20 Halloween Costumes That Make Me H*cka Uncomfy

IT'S HALLOWEEN! Now grab your glasses and take a seat cuz Imma learn you a thing about how to not look like a totally insensitive jerk with an IQ of 10. I go to a liberal arts college so clearly I'm in tune with the hip kids now a days and what they're saying is ok and what's not ok. So grab your Social Justice Warrior Shields and join me.

1. Sexy Jack-O-Lantern.

Please reevaluate your life choices. I don't even know who got the idea to make a pumpkin look sexy, or why they thought it was a good idea in the first place.

2. Sexy Nun.

Ok, like...?????? A religious figure turned sexy. This is so wrong on so many different levels.

3. Sexy Harambe.

Just let him Rest In Peace. He doesn't deserve this.

4. Sexy Pikachu.

With Pokemon Go being super popular, of course, everyone is going to sexualize women in it. How shocking.

5. Sexy Nemo.

It's ok, my childhood is only ruined.

6. Sexy Baby.

You are literally dressing like a child. Last I checked children shouldn't be sexualized.

7. Sexy Girl Scout.

I just want my cookies.

8. Sexy Donald Trump.

This election has been bad enough, please don't make it any worse.

9. Sexy Candy Corn.

Candy Corn is already a sin to humanity like don't do this to us.

10. Sexy Amish.

They are nice people. Just let them live.


Ok, so I get at this point a lot of you may think this article is just me slut-shaming women for wearing "sexy" costumes. Here's the deal. I'm all for it if a woman (or a man) wants to dress as something sexy or slutty for Halloween. Embrace it!!! Like if dressing as something sexy empowers you then I'm all for it, and you should do and dress how you want!!! However: women are constantly over sexualized in the media, and in society today. For every "sexy" costume that we see for women, we should see a normal one. Unfortunately, we don't see this. Men are grateful enough to have the option of both "normal" costumes and sexy ones. Women do not have this privilege and are instead regularly targeted as being sex objects. This is why these costumes make me uncomfortable.

Moving on, we're going to learn about some cultural appropriation! Yay!

11. Sexy Native American.

Hey, last I checked NATIVE AMERICAN culture isn't a costume. Plus there's this whole Dakota Access Pipeline thing that's happening in North Dakota, and that's not ok. Educate yourself. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/understanding-controversy-behind-dakota-access-pipeline-180960450/?no-ist

12. Sexy Eskimo.

I'm pretty sure I said this, but hey guess what? Culture isn't a costume.

13. Sexy Mexican.


14. Sexy Dia De Los Muertos Costume.

I mean, I get it, it's Halloween. And Dia De Los Muertos is a Mexican holiday very close to Halloween. But unless you're Mexican or of Mexican decent and you personally celebrate the holiday and know exactly what you are doing when you're dressing up; it's probably best to stay away from this costume.

15. Sexy Chinese Take Out.

I'm so disappointed in humanity.

16. Caitlyn Jenner Costume.

Oh my god, ok here we go. Trans people are not a costume. Literally, it is so offensive to dress up AS A TRANS PERSON for Halloween. Now, there is a huge difference between dressing in a costume that involves dressing as a different gender (like a man wanting to dress as the wicked witch of the west, or a woman who wants to dress as Mario or some other male figure). But to take an actual trans person and make them into a costume is so beyond offensive. Don't do it.

17. Sexy Kimono.

If you don't know the meaning behind what you're wearing, or in other words, IT'S NOT YOUR CULTURE, maybe don't wear it.

18. Literally Anything That Involves Black Culture If You're Not Black.

Oh my God. It's 2016 and people still don't get that it's not ok to paint your face black if you're not black. It's not a hard concept people. Also, dreadlocks aren't ok, because they are also apart of the black culture.

19. Sexy Indian Costume.

You don't look like Jasmine from Aladdin, you look stupid.

20. Sexy Burqa.


2016 has already been a sh*t show of a year, please don't make it any worse.

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