Halloween is today. It is a day filled with fun, candy, spooks and -- for some -- a feeling that Christmas is almost here. For others, it is a reminder that cultural appropriation exists. While some of it comes from parents dressing their children in what they deem "cute," other appearances of it comes from people who are ignorant. With that in mind, I do wish to help aid those who may not understand cultural appropriation with a list of 20 outfits NOT to wear (if you are not of the respective culture).
1. Kimono Girl
2. Sumo Wrestler
3. Voodoo Doll
4. "Thug" Rapper
5. Pocahontas
6. Any of the Obamas
7. Afro
8. Illegal Immigrant
9. The Jackson Five
10. MLK Jr.
11. Mulan
12. Anything that involves blackface
13. Shaman
14. Pilgrim and Native American
15. Hula Girl
16. Jamaican Dreadlocks
17. Geisha
18. The Supremes
19. Selena
20. Mariachi Band Player
Although I cannot fully stop you from pursuing any of these costumes, I can raise some awareness to the cultural appropriation. Just take a second, sit back, and think about the risks and rewards before you don that sombrero, okay?