1. You can entertain yourself pretty easily
You never had siblings around to play with, so you learned to entertain yourself.
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2. You might be a little selfish
Ok, so this is at least true for me. When I was younger, sometimes I had a hard time sharing, I still catch myself having trouble now. But mainly I don't like sharing my friends. Oh, and food. "Joey doesn't share food!", does apply to me.
3. You probably had imaginary friends as a kid
I don't know about you, but for me, it was a small mouse. But not the gross kind, more like the larger, fat kind like Gus from Cinderella.
4. You're probably a little spoiled
Ok, this is a common misconception about only kids. Everyone thinks we always have gifts raining down and that our parents give us whatever we want. Not really true, but compared to a family who has maybe three kids, yeah it looks like we get spoiled, so compared to others, yeah we are spoiled.
5. You never had to compete for attention
You never had to worry about yelling, "look at me, no! look at me mom!"
6. But then again, all of the attention is on you
So, you never had to compete for attention, but that's kind of because your parents were always looking at you, even when you kind of wanted to escape. Without siblings to share it, the spotlight could become kind of hot.
7. Your parents always knew who did it
There was never any chance to point the finger at someone else. You either did or didn't do it, no way getting around that one.
8. You get told how lucky you are often
You were always told how lucky you are... Yeah, you know nothing.
9. Your pets really are your siblings
For me, my dog was everything to me, almost like a big brother, he protected me and I would tell him my secrets. And if your pet is a part of the family, then it's probably also the favorite.
10. You might have been (and still are) a little socially awkward
Maybe you made it out normal! And that's great, good for you! But for me, without a sibling to tell me I was being weird, I stayed weird which did affect my social life.
11. There's a lot of responsibility on your shoulders
You're it! Whatever you accomplish, you're parents instantly jump on it and tell everyone they can, which isn't always fun... You feel pressured to succeed and be the best because, you're kind of it. You don't have a sibling to compare to and say, "hey, I'm doing better than that dummy over there." or a sibling who is the best, allowing your parents to pin their hopes and dreams on them, allowing you to be the slacker.
12. Vacations can be awkward...
Most people don't understand how lucky they are to have family vacations. When your dad makes that awkward joke, wears that horrible vacation shirt, or wants to take horrible touristy photos, you don't have anyone else who understood how lame it was. You actually had to laugh at his jokes! Also, traveling alone with your parents? At least with a sibling you could go explore, but as an only child? Your parents are your escorts.
13. You're probably really good at talking to adults
You were probably super polite and the kid everyone's mom compares their kid to. Thanks to being around your parents the majority of the time, you were kind of are a mini adult.
14. Friend's siblings are weird
Maybe it's just me, but I had no idea how to act around my friends' siblings. It was especially awkward when they fought because you had no idea what to do.
16. You don't like telling people you're an only child
Usually, you get one of two responses. The good, "What I can't believe you're an only child!" Or the dreaded. "Oh, that makes sense..."
17. Your parents probably still are overprotective
For me, I had to keep my parents updated constantly, otherwise I wasn't leaving the house gain. Who knows, within those 10 minutes, I could have been thrown in a ditch and died... You also had to give a list of friends who would be there. Who else used the "but this really responsible person" is going excuse? You know the one friend your parents trust? Mentioning their name usually opened some doors (literally).
18. You probably have at least one friend who is practically your sibling (also you're crazy loyal)
They've been with you for what fees like forever. They actually call your parents mom or dad and will go on trips with you. They stay the night, you fight, you laugh, you cry, and they're one of the few people you really trust. Sometimes you forget you actually didn't know this person at one point. And you know that you would do anything for each other.
19. You're probably in your head more than anyone else
Is it just me who talks to myself constantly? I feel like there's always an inner monologue, sometimes dialogue, running through my head and sometimes it slips out.
20. You're probably smarter than most
Look, I'm gonna be honest. We're a pretty smart bunch! Most studies show that only children score higher and have larger vocabularies.