This one goes out to my fellow Blue Hens.
1. Forgetting your student ID card
No, I would not like to pay 10 dollars to workout today.
2. The Kirkbride crossing
3. Finding a seat at Morris Library
May the odds be ever in your favor.
4. When hobos ask you for money
5. Finding a treadmill at the little bob
Let me rephrase that: Finding anything open at the little bob.
6. Traffic on Main Street
(Me trying to drive down Mainstreet)
7. The Jersey epidemic
Does your Jersey scream "I'm in a frat going to a dage?!"
8. The Starbucks line in smith
9. No free parkingGoing broke one parking meter at a time.
10. Waiting for a hot bagel at NDB
11. When you're not 21
The struggles of going to a non-bar school.
12. Getting an underage at a dage
13. Bikers/skateboarders
No really its fine please just run me over with your bike, its cool.
14. Unnecessary amount of Mexican restaurants
6 to be exact.
15. UD Alerts
When you wake up thinking you have friends, but then you realize its just a UD Alert.
16. When cars don't stop for you at the cross walk
17. Health Services
Just don't bother.
18. When it rains
19. Getting nailed by doors
I say a prayer every time I walk up to Memorial or Wolf's doors #nowindows
20. The year long winter break
When all your friends go back to school and your just like: