1. When you read your syllabi and realize you have two exams and a paper due in the same week...
2. When the professor announces the exam will be on a Friday...
3. When your roommate eats your food without asking...
4. When you really want to go out but your roommate keeps reminding you of your exam on Monday..
5. When you are reading your exam, and you are convinced you never covered this topic in class...
6. When you accidentally walk in on your roommate and their significant other...
7. When you have an 8 a.m. class...
8. When your roommates throws out your leftovers while cleaning out the fridge...
9. When the professor starts collecting an assignment you completely forgot about...
10. When your alarm clock doesn't go off...
11. When you are studying in the library and the kid across the table won't stop clicking their pen...
12. When you're in love with the guy down the hall but he has no idea you exist...
13. When the professor asks if there are any questions and you raise your hand but they turn back to the powerpoint...
14. When you've been studying for hours and feel like you have gotten nowhere...
15. When your best friend tells you they are going home for the weekend...
16. When you finally get an A on an exam...
17. When your friends ask you to go out when really all you want to do is watch Netflix...
18. When you are home for the weekend and start having separation anxiety from your roommate...
19. And finally when you realize how much your college friends mean to you...
20. ...because you don't know how you would get by without them.