Moving into a new home is difficult, especially if it’s your first time. If you’re a student, moving from a dorm to an apartment is a huge transition. Many people don’t know the responsibility of up-keeping a home, and all the items you need to stock your place.
Here, I will provide you with the essentials of things you should have as well as tips and tricks to make it easier to survive in your first apartment. Knowing these things beforehand will help a student to prepare and know what they’re in for when moving into their first place.
Aside from the usual furniture, these essentials are important and much needed for your apartment. There are a lot of items that you may not realize you need:
1. Extra sheets: It is always helpful to have extra bedding for when you need to change your sheets.
2. Lamps and lighting: Some apartments aren’t well lighted; make sure to have extra lamps so you’re not stuck in the dark.
3. Area rug: Area rugs are a must for some rooms, especially a bathroom.
4. Space heater and fans: These are much needed especially if you’re living in an older apartment without central air. You don’t want to be stuck in a freezing or sweltering room. A space heater or fan can make a huge difference.
5. Storage boxes: Some apartments are small with limited storage, storage boxes will help you store items and stay organized without taking up too much space.
6. Full length mirror: Because who doesn’t need a mirror?
7. Multiple towels: Make sure you have enough towels to last throughout a week or two. You don’t want to be doing laundry several times a week because you don’t have extra towels.
8. Shelving: Shelving it great to have in any room because it gives you extra space to put things. Floating shelves are decorative and inexpensive.
9. Plunger: Always comes in handy.
10. Cleaning supplies: You should always have cleaning supplies to keep your place hygienic and sanitized.
11. Silver ware and kitchen supplies: (pots, pans, forks, knives, spoons, toaster, Kurig, blender, and microwave…) the list can go on and on depending on what you use for cooking. It’s also easier to buy paper and plastic plates and utensils if you don’t want to be doing dishes all the time.
12. Trash can and garbage bags: More than one trash can is convenient.
13. Hangers: Hangers are a must have, make sure you buy enough to stock the all the closets in your apartment.
14. Extension cord: One with multiple sockets is the most useful. Some apartments aren’t equipped with enough wall sockets.
15. Flash light and candles: Always be prepared in case of a blackout.
16. Shower curtain and liner
17. Paper Towels and toilet paper: A huge tip is to buy paper towels and toilet paper in bulk. Paper towels and toilet paper can get very expensive but buying it while on sale is the best way to always have enough and save money.
18. Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors: These are very important, especially carbon monoxide detectors for older houses.
19. Extra Lightbulbs: Always good to have extra in case a light goes out.
20. Throw blankets and pillows.
This apartment checklist from Bed Bath & Beyond has a more detailed list if you feel like they’re are some basic items you may forget.
A good tip for moving into your first place is to be prepared with all the expenses. You are now responsible for buying things for the house, grocery shopping on a weekly basis, taking out the garbage, and paying bills. It sometimes comes as a shock to some people who are paying bills for the first time. Electric gets costly, especially during the colder months then the home needs to be heated; the best way to save energy and money is to always keep your lights off when they aren’t being used.
If you are living with other people, the best way to save money is to all put money in for items like garbage bags, paper towels, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. These things are used by everyone in the house and the cost should be split evenly. It’s not fair when there’s always that one person who is always buying the toilet paper. Different toilet paper and paper towel brands also range largely in price; a good thing to do is test out different brands and find which one works for you. This is another good money saver if you can use the cheaper brand.
When grocery shopping, be mindful of expiration dates. Many people buy good but it winds up going bad before they get a chance to eat it. My advice here is to go grocery shopping every 1-2 weeks so you have a chance to eat your groceries without them expiring. Expired food becomes just a waste of money. Another tip is to buy frozen food like veggies; you can also cook your meals and freeze them afterwards. The website RealSimple has a helpful list including all types of foods and how long they can last in the freezer before going bad.
A wipe board or chalk board is also something very beneficial to have. There are things you need to remember, like the day of the month to pay bills and when garbage take-out day is. Having these written down for everyone in the house to see will help everyone get into a routine of the things you need to be doing every week to maintenance the house. No one wants to be stuck with two weeks of garbage if someone forgets to take it out on the scheduled day.
Moving into your first apartment may be overwhelming at first, but you will adjust after a few weeks. You may not know everything you’re doing now, but you will learn to live in your first place and upkeep it. It’s feels great to live alone, and while now have more responsibilities; that all comes with getting older.