"S.L.U.T."- Bea Miller | The Odyssey Online
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20 Empowering Songs to Encourage You to Grow Through All You Go Through.

For all the powerful & inspiring women out there.

20 Empowering Songs to Encourage You to Grow Through All You Go Through.

Sometimes living in this world can be hard. Sometimes being a girl in this world can be especially hard. For every vengeful troll who tries to shove women & girls all across the globe down, I hope that one of these tunes can encourage you to push past them. Every struggle that plagues our lives can seem debilitating, but we are all strong enough to overcome them, and I wanted to highlight that by sharing these inspiring jams by some inspiring women just in time for International Women's Day this Sunday.

"Light On"- Maggie Rogers

Empowering Lyrics:

"That I'm still dancing at the end of the day"

Ever since I heard this song at the end of two separate movies when the fearless heroine wins the day, I became absolutely obsessed with this tune.

"Rainbow"- Kacey Musgraves

Empowering Lyrics:

"You hold tight to your umbrella, well, darlin' I'm just tryin' to tell ya

That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head"

This song just soothes the soul.

"Strip Me"- Natasha Bedingfield

Empowering Lyrics:

"Shut me out but I'll just scream

I'm only one voice in a million

But you ain't taking that from me"

By the middle of this song, you'll be passionately screaming the words along with her.

"Wild One"- Faith Hill

Empowering Lyrics:

"She has future plans,

And dreams at night,

They tell her life is hard,

She says that's alright, yeah"

This rocking jam is for every strong, little girl who grows up into a strong woman.

"Never Seen the Rain"- Tones And I

Empowering Lyrics:

"And it gets you down

But that's okay

You've been pushed 'round

You feel the pain"

For when you are ever having a bad day, just play this cheery song to change your mood.

"Fly"- Maddie & Tae

Empowering Lyrics:

"Keep on climbing though the ground might shake

Just keep on reaching though the limb might break"

Every girl has the power to take that big leap and go for it, and this bop confirms that.

"America's Sweetheart"- Elle King

Empowering Lyrics:

"Well they say I'm too loud for this town

So I lit a match and burned it down"

Girls often have lots of expectations put on them, but this jam is here to remind you to not stress it all too much.

"Broken Glass"- Rachel Platten

Empowering Lyrics:

"So I bet on me and my own heartbeat

When all the odds are piling

Like bricks around my feet"

Shatter that glass ceiling, ladies!!

"Phoenix"- Olivia Holt

Empowering Lyrics:

"Let's see you show 'em how you get gold

Flying right past the ones who said "no"

Let's give them all one hell of a show"

We always rise from the ashes.

"Girl"- Maren Morris

Empowering Lyrics:

"Girl, don't you hang your head low

Don't you lose your halo"

Whatever or whoever makes you upset needs to be drowned out by this song.

"This One's For the Girls"- Martina McBride

Empowering Lyrics:

"Stand your ground when everybody's givin' in"

An empowering bop for females of all ages.

"S.L.U.T."- Bea Miller

Empowering Lyrics:

"I love my ass, I wanna shake it

You can thank my mama 'cause she made it

Don't you waste you're breath tryna change it

Just mind your own and we'll keep owning it"

Every bodyshamer can shove it.

"Chiquitita"- ABBA

Empowering Lyrics:

"How the heartaches come and they go and the scars they're leaving

You'll be dancing once again and the pain will end

You will have no time for grieving"

4 out of 5 dentists reccommend listening to some ABBA when you're feeling distressed.

"Wide Open Spaces"- Dixie Chicks

Empowering Lyrics:

"A young girl's dreams no longer hollow"

For the girls who have dreams of traveling far and wide in the wild pursuit of their dreams.

"New Romantics"- Taylor Swift

Empowering Lyrics:

"'Cause, baby, I could build a castle

Out of all the bricks they threw at me"

The brilliant Miss Swift has many empowering songs to choose from, but this one about unapologetically embracing yourself and the world around you I gave a slight edge to. Not to mention, these lyrics above are some of my favorite.

"Wildflowers"- Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, & Emmylou Harris

Empowering Lyrics:

"Wildflowers don't care where they grow"

Dolly can do no wrong, including this tune that makes us all feel like sunshine on the inside.

"Born to Be Brave"- Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series

Empowering Lyrics:

"Made my mistakes

And they gave me wings to fly

To my castle in the sky"

100% would dance to this catchy anthem at any hour of the day.

"Cherry Bomb"- The Runaways

Empowering Lyrics:

"Hello world! I'm your wild girl"

Taking it old school, this song is a gigantic "screw you" to all your haters.

"Bad Reputation"- Joan Jett

Empowering Lyrics:

"A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do"

All I can say is ICONIC.

"Rise Up"- Andra Day

Empowering Lyrics:

"But I promise we'll take the world to its feet"

After listening to this powerful bop, you'll feel like you can do absolutely anything. Go change the world, girls!

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