The 20 Best Sketches Of Studio C | The Odyssey Online
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The 20 Best Sketches Of Studio C

"I want to talk about cheese." - Operation Breakup

The 20 Best Sketches Of Studio C

If you are looking for something to do on these cold winter days, then I highly recommend that you check out one of my favorite sketch comedy shows/YouTube channels, Studio C. Studio C is a team of several talented, hilarious, and creative actors from Brigham Young University who branched out from the original troupe, Divine Comedy, and their content is for all audiences! Seriously, there's something for everyone here.

Don't believe me? Here are my top 20 favorites:

1. Channel Surfing

This one goes out to all of you, who at times, struggle to decide which channel to stick with. The transitions are flawless.

2. Republicans Vs. Democrats

This one brilliantly illustrates the analogy of Republicans and Democrats fighting over custody of their child. I really appreciate how this one makes fun of the weaknesses in both major political parties, as well as our nation's apathetic indecisiveness about who to side with.

3. *23 Hours of Productivity

This sketch goes out to all of us who study late into the night/early into the next morning, and operate on 5-6 hours of sleep (or less) per day. Discover the countless benefits of "not letting sleep get in the way of your dreams"!

4. Aww Yeh

This one actually had me laughing aloud the first time I saw it. As a professional third wheel, I now use this catchphrase all the time when my "clients" are being cute. (I can promise you that they like it when I do that though ;)

5. The Truth About Running

This one is a funny and thought-provoking mock-umentary.

6. Dead Wedding

Talk about misunderstanding.

7. Inconvenient Stenographer

When you wish you could take back something you humiliatingly blurted out, this chica is your worst nightmare.

8. A Kindergarten Fight For Love

This sketch reminds me a bit of Charles Schulz's Peanuts, in that the kids are far more sophisticated than they would seem at first glance. Nonetheless, it is still very originally funny, especially in the characters' seriousness about some juvenile matters.

9. Captain Irony

This one is dedicated to all my fellow grammar nerds. Also definitely check out the Captain Literally series— those are amazing too!

10. Lobster Bisque

After watching this classic, you will probably never be able to say or look at (lobster) bisque the same way again. There are also more priceless videos for this gem!

11. How Are You Feeling

I honestly do not want to spoil this one, so you will have to watch it for yourself to see why it's fabulous.

12. Cutting Out Holidays

All of the primary holidays assemble to discuss their personal thoughts on the lesser-known holidays. Very clever.

13. The Piano Guys Behind ThePianoGuys

Until watching this, I will admit I had not ever questioned how the Piano Guys always manage to play their bulky instruments at such breathtaking settings. Now, I am extremely curious about what actually goes on behind the scenes to make that possible...

14. Paintball Hold-Up

I have no words... Just watch this one— you won't regret it.

15. I Don't Do Mornings

All I can say is this one is a very quotable must-see.

16. Graduation Musical Number

As a singer, I relate immensely to this one.

17. Political Correctness Police

This sketch is hysterical and an excellent satire.

18. Bad Inventor

This one is hilariously accurate, provoking one to question the motives of whoever established these annoying motives.

19. My Dad Could Beat Up Your Dad

The "nerd" in this video masters the art of being both a troll and a peacemaker at the same time. Notice how the two other kids reconciled after he intimidated them? Yup. Like a pro, Matt. Like a pro.

20. Founding Fathers Fraternity

Last but certainly not least, this one is priceless. While it is already incredibly funny one's first time through, you will probably catch a few extra cleverly humorous references every time you watch it. Also, any fans of Hamilton: it is very likely that you will enjoy this immensely. (This was released far before the show was even a thing.)

All and all. I hope you found a new favorite YouTube channel!

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