Anyone who has lived in a college residence hall before will know that it's definitely an interesting experience. There are some perks, such as making awesome friends and being close to everything on campus. However, there are also some frustrating parts, one being that you have to learn to live with hundreds of other people. If you're curious about what I mean exactly, keep reading to discover 20 annoying things people in residence halls do as told by Toy Story!
1. Run down the halls
2. Burn food
3. Leave hair in the shower stall
Is it really that hard to pick up the hair with some paper towels?!?!?
4. Smoke, use hairspray, straighten hair, etc. near the smoke detectors
If you do this knowing that the smoke detectors are super sensitive, don't be surprised when everyone finds out you were the one that caused the fire drill. It'll be super embarrassing!
5. Sing songs while blasting music
6. Have sex while everyone else is trying to sleep
I know it's college, but nobody wants to hear this. Also, think about the people who have tests at 8 AM the next day!
7. Walk into rooms without being invited
8. Do laundry at 4 AM
I did this once and totally regretted it 5 seconds later because I could hear the machines from my room (the laundry room is conveniently right above mine). Never again.
9. Invite 5-10 people into the room almost every single day
10. Scream "I'M DRUNK" before and/or after going out on Thursday nights
The entire floor already knows, so stop announcing it!!
11. Erase people's whiteboards on their doors
12. Never flush the toilet
Bonnie is basically me when I open the stall door and see the unflushed toilet. I mean, is it really that hard to press down on the handle with your foot?
13. Be loud in the lounge
14. Knock on people's doors and say "RA, open up!"
15. Leave toilet paper/paper towels all over the bathroom floor
16. Keep the door open so everyone can hear the loud TV
17. Stay in the room even though they know you have a ton of work to do
18. Leave laundry in the washer/dryer longer than necessary
19. Barge into people's rooms to either ask for something, rant about their problems, or be nosy
20. Smoke weed inside the residence hall
I don't care how cold it is or how tired you are -- the smell does not need to linger in the hallway for everyone to notice.