Nothing says sweet summertime like a trip to the beach. The ocean air blowing through your hair and the sand in between your toes. The beach is the perfect getaway for the hot summer months of May-August and most of us try to make an escape somewhere at lease once during the summer.
While you're at the beach there is a lot to see and do. You can swim, snorkel, parasail and my personal favorite -- people watch. The people you see at the beach range from all different walks of life and you can't help but to giggle or make googley eyes at some people you see.
While thinking about the beach and my recent trip, my family and I began listing off some of the most annoying things that people do at the beach.
1. People who wear sneakers.
Just no.
2. People who feed the seagulls.
Please don't; they'll never leave.
3. Parents who let their kids cry and cry and cry.
Someone needs a nap.
4. People who take way too many pictures of themselves, each other, the beach, etc.
The beach isn't your personal backdrop.
5. People who litter.
Please, for the love of God, clean up after yourselves.
6. People who shake out their towels and get sand all over you.
Yes, I wanted sand in my eye -- thank you.
7. People who set up their chairs in close proximity to you while the beach is vacant.
This area right next to me is the perfect spot for you --but so is the area 10 feet away.
8. People who have been drinking and become belligerent.
Pull yourself together.
9. People who play their music too loud.
Believe it or not, not everyone likes country music.
10. People who bring the whole grocery store with them.
Please eat everything you possibly can and then go run into the water.
11. People who set up their umbrellas and block your sun.
It's OK, I didn't want a tan, anyway.
12. People who walk in front of, or behind, you while you're taking a picture.
Thanks for being rude.
13. People who kick up the sand as they walk by.
I know I'm going to have sand everywhere, but watch it.
14. People who play beach games when the beach is crowded.
Yeah sure, go right ahead and play football.
15. People who smoke their cigarette with no concern to who's around.
Second hand smoke is great.
16. People who drink out of glass bottles.
And then their bottle breaks and there's little pieces of glass everywhere.
17. Parents who bring every possible beach or pool toy for their child.
Your child doesn't need every toy Toys R Us sells.
18. People who wear bathing suits that they shouldn't be.
Big fat no.
19. People who destroy a sandcastle before the builder has left the beach.
20. People who actually wear these.
I can't believe people actually buy these.
So next time you go to the beach do everyone around you a favor and don't be one of these people. Now, let's go to the beach!