January 20th marks two years since President Donald Trump was inaugurated, and it has been a whirl wind since. Here are some highlights for your viewing pleasure:
1. Inauguration
On this day, our President Donald Trump declared he would have us from American Carnage and "Make a America Great Again". How is he going to do that? Build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it!
2. Charolottesville
President Trump did not take long to show Americans how he plans to handle racial tensions. August 2017, the Charlottesville riots resulted in three deaths and multiple injuries. And Trump's incredibly passive response: "We condemn the strongest possible - of bigotry and violence, on many sides"
3. Hurricane Maria
Hurricane Maria was a terrible hurricane that impacted residents of Puerto Rico back in 2017. How does President react to the first major natural event under his presidency? He throws napkins to a crowd...
4. Meeting with very Important Politician Kanye West
I don't even have anything sarcastic to say about this. I'm not really sure why Kanye West met the President, or what he was going on about. But in all the ways President Trump has show disregard for minorities and people of color, Kanye West has found a way to love him.
5. Christmas 2018
Remember the days when the President would visit the troops deployed on the Holidays, and thank them for keeping us safe. So do I, because President Trump has changed this wonderful tradition, and instead aims to gloat to the troops. Biggest pay raise!
6. Government Shutdown
Finally, President Donald Trump celebrated his second term throwing a tantrum worthy of Donald Trump. Because Democrats won't give him his big bad wall, he's going to shutdown the government. Does he consider the way a government shutdown of this length is effecting government worker. Nope. It's been almost a month now President Trump. What's the move?