All college students hit a mid semester lag! You have received grades back from your first test or two and are at midterm time. Whether your grades were great and you were pleased with them, or there is room for improvement, continuing to strive and study hard can often be a challenge. You have remained studious until this point, turning in assignments on time and attending class, but now you find yourself hitting the snooze button a few times in the morning and wondering if you REALLY have to go to class today. This mid semester lag can make or break your semester. Burn out is a real thing for college students, however, giving up is never the answer. Now is the time to chase your dreams and set yourself up for the future! Here are 12 tips to fight mid-semester burnout:
1. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day when possible.
As college students, we often have to pull all nighters in order to finish homework assignments and study for tests. However, establishing a set schedule for yourself when possible is a good idea to ensure that you get necessary sleep.
2. Keep up with schoolwork, but don't try to do all of your assignments at one time.
Make yourself a study schedule with time allowed for assignments, as well as study time. This will organize you and keep your work on task. Complete one assignment fully before moving on to another.
3. Take some time every day to spend doing things that you enjoy.
Spend at least 15-20 minutes doing things that you enjoy: read a book, take a walk, or have a cup of coffee. Taking a few minutes out of your day for yourself will decrease stress levels.
4. Find an accountability partner: You can both motivate each other.
Find a great studious friend who is in your major who will hold you accountable for completing your work. Study buddies who are taking the same classes as you are beneficial.
5. Prioritize your assignments based on due dates and importance.
Procrastination is never a good thing. Complete assignments based on when they are due and not on which one you want to work on. If an assignment is due at the end of the semester and one is due this week, do the one due first first.
6. During Midterm Week, take every day one day at a time, and one test at a time.
Just Breathe! Surviving one day at a time is key.
7. Ask for help if you don't understand something.
Professors, as well as other classmates, are great resources for asking questions. If you don't understand. just ask! You will be glad that you did.
8. Put away your phone while studying to ensure that you are completely focused.
Focus, focus, focus! Make your study time count by limiting distractions. You will be more productive in a shorter amount of time.
9. Take frequent short breaks during studying to keep your mind refreshed.
Study for 50 minutes then take a 10 minute break! Short frequent breaks give you a chance to clear your mind and offers a mini refresher.
10. Work smarter not harder!
Don't make things complicated! Simple is better. Simplify concepts for your understanding and be able to explain them in your own words.
11. Don't dwell on a test after it is taken! What's done is done. Move on.
Worrying about a tough test after it is taken will only increase stress levels and distract you from studying for other tests and completing other assignments.
12. Have fun!
Carpe Diem!