Whether it be something good to say, or something bad to say, you should always say what is on your mind. In this article, I will talk about two good reasons why you should say what is on your mind. Let's get started.
1. You will be much less regretful when a death comes along
In the past year, there have been many deaths. Some of which impacted me personally and some of which did not impact me as much. However, I started thinking about these deaths and how they not only impacted myself, but also of how they impacted the people directly related to them. Many regretful thoughts came to my head, and of most of the regretful thoughts, I realized that if people (including me) would just try to say what's on their mind as much as possible to everyone around them then there would be less regrets when a death comes along. I knew this guy that recently passed away, and I immediately started thinking about the times that we shared. After thinking about that, I started regretting some things that I had not said to him and I really wish I would have. These can be things such as, "You're a really talented person," or "You are a really genuine person and I hope you know you are appreciated." Even though I thought of these many things to say, I did not say them.
2. It allows you to connect or disconnect to people a lot faster
Have you ever been in a situation where you like someone, but you are so scared to say anything because you are afraid of ruining any chance you think you have with that person? So, instead you don't say anything but months later you realize that that person liked you too but now it is too late? Yeah, me either. But imagine if you would have just went up to that person and said what was on your mind. You would find out much faster that this person either likes you or doesn't, and you would save a lot of time. Or, another scenario where you are trying to be around a lonely co-worker or a person just because you feel bad for them but in reality they want to be alone for a reason and you find out later that you actually weren't making them feel any better by being around them? I have been in those situations many times. From the very beginning, if I would have just asked the person if they liked being alone or if they even wanted me around I would have found out much sooner that I was being super creepy. The moral here is to just say what is on your mind because you will either connect or disconnect to that person, but either way you're not wasting any time.