Finals week is inevitable, and it is coming like a bullet train, regardless of your readiness. The stress of finals week shouldn’t eat you away, but it typically finds a way to do that somehow. Low-key stress can be beneficial, but too much stress is not going to help you with your finals or your GPA. This is why you need a way to cope with finals stress in a way that doesn’t harm you or anyone one else. For me, music makes everything better, so I’m going to turn to music when finals are stressing me out. Especially when it makes you feel as whole and confident as you can be before you deal with that tempest college students have to deal with occasionally.
1. “White” by Frank Ocean ft. John Mayer
Before you can relax, you have to release the negativity. While this song plays, brood over finals week. When this song ends, stop brooding and start chilling.
2. “Working Class Hero” by John Lennon
If you are still cynical about whether college is worth it, indulge your pessimism a little more. Otherwise, skip this song.
3. “I’ll Try Anything Once” by The Strokes
I feel like this song can be applied to college life in general, but “I’ll calm down” is one of the lyrics, so this Strokes song is on my finals playlist. Also, The Strokes are dope and should be on my finals playlist anyway.
4. “Hey Jude” by The Mutato Muzika Orchestra
The original Beatles song also does the trick(It makes me feel like Luna Lovegood for some reason I can’t quite explain), but this mostly instrumental cover of “Hey Jude” is even cheerier. Also, this cover is a good pick for your studying playlist if you are the type to listen to music while studying.
5. “Peaceful Morning” by Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam
This song has a lyrics that makes finals week worth surviving: “I know when you're with me that your spirit's gonna lift me.” Think of the time you’ll be spending with your family and friends when finals are over!
1. “I Love Kanye” by Kanye West
Consider this song another cathartic intro so you can enjoy the rest of the playlist. You might currently be “bad mood” and “always rude” you for finals-related and not finals-related reasons. Maybe all you need is the last line: “And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye.” At the very least, this song might inspire you to poke fun at yourself because a little bit of self-deprecating humor can come in handy during stressful times.
2. “Me, Myself, and I” by G-Eazy
Unless you have some sort of cool professor that allows group finals(I’ve never heard of them, but I’m sure they exist), you’re on your own when it comes to finals. Don’t cheat, you filthy animals; cheating is against Wofford’s Honor Code and most moral codes.
3. “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie
You might not want to try to hit that high note because you will probably sound terrible, but this song makes you feel fantastic even when you are under pressure.
4. “Kashmir” by Led Zeppelin
I would have this song played every time I walk into a room, but it’s 8 minutes and 37 seconds. Even I can’t stretch out entrances that long. Listen to this before you head to your exams if you want finals to be more ball la la la la la la la la than fail la la la la la la la la.To end on a common sense note instead of that cringe-worthy holiday pun, I suggest actually studying to curb some of those feelings of helplessness during finals. Don’t just mindlessly read notes then take long breaks. Discuss them. Write them again. Turn them into diagrams. Take adequate breaks and de-stress. Then you can kick ass on your finals.