How '2 Broke Girls' Captures The Discomfort Of Being Female In Today's Society | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

10 Quotes From '2 Broke Girls' All College Girls Can Relate To, But Shouldn't HAVE To

College girls feel uncomfortable enough on college campuses and this has to change.

10 Quotes From '2 Broke Girls' All College Girls Can Relate To, But Shouldn't HAVE To

The TV show "2 Broke Girls" is about two girls, Max Black (played by Kat Dennings) and Caroline Channing (played by Beth Behrs), who desire to start a cupcake business. Caroline has a degree from the Wharton School of Business at Penn, and in order to be able to start the business, she and Max have been working tirelessly at the Williamsburg Diner owned by a man named Han Lee.

In the show, Max and Caroline get harassed more than what would be deemed desirable while they're at work, both by customers and by the chef, Oleg, as well as Han. The sad reality is that college girls deal with this more than they should, and the following 10 instances from '2 Broke Girls' give a solid perspective into the uncomfortable environment that college girls unfairly have to put up with.

1. "It's favor I do for you. And at some point, when I come to you for a favor, you will say 'Yes', like I say 'Yes' now."

Caroline realizes she has a dental issue when she bites into an apple, and Oleg offers to pay for her to see a 'fancy dentist' as an exchange for sexual favors. No girl should have to feel that she owes a guy sex as a result of something he did for her, nor she should she feel guilty for shutting a guy down, especially if she's not interested in him.

2. "Pick up, chicken breast. The way I know you want it... with the bone in."

Oleg rings the bell to let the servers know that an order of a chicken breast is ready to be served, and he makes a sexual innuendo about a sex position while they're in the diner. A lot of college students need to make money to make ends meet while at college, and as a result, they'll work as servers at a bar, or at a restaurant. It isn't fair for them to deal with sexual harassment while they're working, and in the scene referenced, Caroline obviously doesn't like it when such a remark is made. Most girls don't like it at all anyway, so I'm not sure why it still happens.

Caroline and Max return the sexual harassment on Oleg, and in the scene, Oleg apparently welcomes it when they sexually harass him and encourages it to continue.

3. "Hey when you get a second,... stop looking at my boobs."

Max is one of the two servers in the diner and is obviously uncomfortable with the fact that Oleg looks down her blouse while she's at work (see 1:53 - 1:56). A lot of girls have to deal with this and it isn't fair for them to have to go through this where people constantly pay attention to their body parts. They're more than just a body.

4. "Now I feel like everyone's staring at my chest area."

This is a continuation of the previous one, and Caroline and Max both feel the same away about how people pay attention to their bodies rather than to them as people (at 0:36).

5. "You're not a good girl. That's why I want your number. So how about it?"

The male customer is trying to get with Max while she's working night shift, and it's obvious she's not interested in him (starting at 6:01). When a girl gives an obvious sign, it's important to take it seriously.

6. "With a body like that you don't need any [money]."

Seriously, who says this? Apparently, the male customer in this scene does (at 5:18). And his friend agrees. Seriously, does anyone realize that's messed up? Max is being objectified in a way that her body is what matters, not her career. Guys, girls aren't sex objects.

7. "Robbie, what are you doing here? We BROKE UP."

Robbie has the keys to Max's apartment well after they had ended their relationship, and Max and Caroline live together while they try to get their business booming, and as a result, Max and Caroline are awakened in the middle of the night. Robbie says, "What's up babe?" beforehand as he walks in, and the point of this is that a lot of girls unfairly have to deal with some kind of retaliation in a relationship, whether it's active or over, and regardless of what kind of retaliation it is. No girl should ever feel like they're being retaliated against.

8. "MAX! It's me!"

Caroline is living with Max during this scene, and Max can't afford home security, so the only home security system she owns is a knife. Caroline is coming back into the room and Max thinks it's a potential burglar or robber, so she pulls out the knife and turns the light on. Caroline is caught off guard by this, and even though she wasn't harmed, it's a reminder that girls are unfairly treated as inferior, and too often at that. They have to take more extreme measures to protect themselves than usual especially when they're alone at any moment.

9. "I can't get into your issues right now, I just need to sleep!"

This was said by Caroline, but when a guy says this to a girl, it gives her the message that he doesn't want to do with her and that he doesn't care about what's on her mind. Nobody should feel like they're unimportant.

10. "You hit on me, and then she caught you with someone else in these very sheets..."

Girls will find out about anything, anytime (1:48). Be honest with her or lose her.

Too many girls on college campuses feel fear for the way they live their lives. Needless to say, they should be empowered to do what they do, not torn down. Whether it's girls tearing each other down, or if it's a guy who's tearing a girl down, it's not acceptable to make people feel negative about themselves. If you do that to a girl, she will notice and she'll drop you in an instant. They get harassed and objectified and they're treated as if their bodies are more important than their minds and hearts. They unfairly have to do more to protect themselves too because they're not respected enough.

These 10 quotes from "2 Broke Girls" show exactly what needs to change when it comes to how college girls feel on campus.

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