On August 7th I will turn 19. It just dawned upon me a few days ago that my little brother will soon be a senior in high school, and I will be a sophomore in college. It feels like yesterday I was in elementary school. Life goes by too quick, I'm writing this article from the perspective of a usual pessimist. As my 19th birthday approaches, I have learned to be more of an optimist and to enjoy the little things, life is passing me right before my eyes.
To start off, I was born three months early weighing a whopping one pound two ounces. I am lucky to be alive, and to be as healthy as I am. I know many premies who are either not with us today, and others who are still alive, but have health conditions that highly impact their way of living. I am lucky to only have a slight heart murmur and tachycardia (high heart rate) every once in a while. I am very thankful for the care I have received and still receive from Woman and Children's Hospital of Buffalo.
I was lucky enough to grow up in Florida. I spent every day either swimming in my pool or sitting on the beach. I also grew up with some of the best friends I could ever ask for, I miss them every single day. Some of my family still lives in Florida which means I still have the opportunity to go visit everyone. My father still lives in the house I grew up in which is neat. It's interesting to see how the house and community I grew up in changes every time I am down there to visit. As I have gotten older I have learned how important it is to appreciate the time I get to spend with my out of state friends and family.
High school flashed right before my eyes. Many of you say how you don't miss high school but I know you do in some aspect. Whether that be having your weekends free or the little amount of homework you received. For me, it's a different story. I was one of those people who could not wait to graduate and go to college. Don't get me wrong, I love college but I miss high school more than anything. I miss having such a small course load, I miss not having to work or pay any bills, I miss the teachers, I miss seeing my friends at least five days a week. I'm telling you now, cherish high school. I would do anything to go back and appreciate it more.
Here's the part where I quote the typical cliché sayings such as, "live life to the fullest" and "you never know if today is your last". As cliché and annoying as they are, it's true. You never know if you will have the same opportunity again. If you want to study abroad, do it. If you want to go to a concert or date a certain guy/girl, do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks, it's your life, live it, however you want to. You don't want to look back on a time that has passed and regret not taking the chance that was given to you. The next thing you know you will be turning 19 and wondering where the time went.