If you've ever been to a rave you probably know that most people are friendly. It's almost like having a second family, but every family has that one weird member that takes a lot of drugs or that is into trading odd objects. Raves are definitely not excluded in that statement. Here are 19 of the different types of people you will see at a rave.
1. First Timers
First timers are often super excited for their first rave, but they can also be unprepared. First timers don't know the protocol of going through security, but we've all been there.
2. Limit Pushers
These are the people who always go past their limits. Whether it's drinking too much, too many drugs, or just dancing too hard; they will be down for the count way before the night is over.
3. Chill Security Guards
Lots of security guards just do their job and go home. However, some rise above the rest and turn up with the crowd.
4. Costume Heroes
They're not the heroes the raves deserve, but they're the ones the rave needs right now.
5. Oldies but Goodies
'Nuff Said
6. The Youngin
I only included this one because I love this gif but at all ages events you may spot some youngins.
7. The Flashy Outfits
These people live or die by the LED. Hat, Shirt, Shoes, They got it all.
8. The Barely any Outfits
9. Molly Maniacs
7/10 times you will be asked if you have molly.
10. Sharing Carers
6/10 times you will be offered the Devil's Lettuce.
11. Hippie wannabes
Their parents probably went to Woodstock.
12. Moshers
When you hear the DJ say "Open up a pit!" you know to back up from these people.
13. Crowd Surfers
Adrenaline Junkies, and people who like being touched by 100s of random people.
14. PDA couples
Can't you just wait until after the rave?
15. Headbangers
You can tell who's a true headbanger after the concert because they will be leaving in a neck brace.
16.The Light Show
Theses guys will leave you in a trance.
17. Bored Parents
These are the real MVP's whether they are bringing their kids cause they can't drive or because they want to see what their kids are into. They could be home, planting a garden, but they want to be with their kids instead.
18. Kandi Queens
Kandi must be like Pringles, you can't only have one.
19. Squad
The gif says it all for this one.
Overall there's tons of different types of people who go to raves but we are all a family. Rave's are amazing because anyone is accepted and you can just be yourself. If you've never been to one you should think about going to at least one. I doubt you'll regret it.