Being on this earth for nineteen years I have learned that life is one heck of a rollercoaster. I have experienced the highs as well as the lows. Life can be crazy, but there are some things I think I know as true. I know I have a lot of life ahead of me, but here are some things I wish I would have known earlier on.
1. This is your life and it’s what you make of it
Your life is no one else’s but your own. It always comes back to one thing: do what makes you happy.
2. If you want something, you have to work for it
Nothing worth having comes easy. If you have a goal, you have to put effort in to achieve it.
3. Life works in mysterious ways
In nineteen years I have experienced my fair share of tough times. Although this is true, I wouldn’t change a thing because they have shaped me to be the person I am today.
4. You meet some of your best friends in college
Leaving my high school friends and moving five hours away was incredibly hard for me because I was convinced I would never meet anyone as great as them. The transition wasn’t easy and it took time, but I found some of the greatest friends I could ever ask for my freshman year. You meet people in college who you will create lifelong relationships with that go hand in hand with amazing memories. I still miss my high school friends every day we are apart, but I am so thankful I met the friends I did in college.
5. It gets better
Sometimes it can feel like life is continuously pushing you down and everything is going wrong. During these times it can be tough to stay positive and remember how good life was previously. I have come to realize that no matter how much you are struggling; it can only get better. At one time life was great, and you know what? It will be great again. You just have to give it time.
6. Family comes first
Your family was there the minute you entered this world, and they will be there when you leave it. No matter what happens, no matter how many times you screw up, your family will always stand behind you because that is their duty. Friends will come and go, but family will be there forever.
7. It’s ok to be selfish sometimes
Your mental health is so important. With that being said, you have no obligation to keep anyone in your life that is not making it better. Toxic people have a way of bringing you down and it is completely acceptable to cut these people out. You do not have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. Remember, people who are not happy with themselves cannot be happy with you.
8. The sun will rise again
There will be a new day with new beginnings. Every single day you have the chance to start over and try again.
9. Chasing people is not worth it
You are here and you are important. It is not worth it to run after people trying to prove your worth. If someone can’t see how special you are, they don’t deserve you. Seeking out people in your life that appreciate you is so important.
“If someone does not want me it is not the end of the world. But if I do not want me the world is nothing but endings.” –Nayyirah Waheed
10. Not everyone has the same heart as you
You cannot control anyone. No matter how good you are to someone does not mean they will treat you the same. You will end up sorely disappointed if you assume people will do the same things for you that you do for them.
“There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for those who wouldn’t even cross a puddle for you.” -Unknown
11. There is no shame in being honest
Be honest, be vulnerable, and tell people your feelings. This is the beauty of being human. Raw connections and relationships with others come from being vulnerable.
12. Summer is the best season
Nothing brings me more joy than spending time on the lake with my friends. Soaking up the sun, listening to country music and forgetting about school for a couple months is a wonderful feeling.
13. Not receiving love doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it
Some people are just incapable of giving the same love to you that you give to them.
“It’s like concluding that you’re unworthy of being held when you’re surrounded by birds. They don’t have arms to hold you with, it has nothing to do with you.” -Caroline Vann Kimenade
14. No matter how bad you wish it was, not everything is meant to be
You can try and try all you want, but what is meant to happen will eventually happen.
15. It’s ok to spend time alone
It’s healthy to spend time by yourself. It’s important to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person. Spending time alone leads to growth. When you meet the person who makes your heart flutter, you will know they are the one. You will be sure because you are sure with yourself.
16. You don’t need money to be happy
But, money can help you achieve what makes you happy.
17. Simple acts of kindness are so important
Hold the door, smile at a stranger, give a random compliment. A simple act of kindness can make such a large impact on someone.
18. Everyone is fighting their own battle
You have no idea what someone is going through, so always be kind.
19. Money is much better spent on experiences than material things
You will remember the concert you attended, or the trip you went on rather than the expensive purse or watch you just bought. Experiences create memories that will last a lifetime, material things won’t.
Sometimes it can be hard to find the truth in this crazy world we live in, so it’s good to be sure of a few things.