1. Not all of your opinions line up with your parent's opinions, and that's okay.
At this point in life, you are discovering your dreams and who you want to be as a person. You're starting to develop your own values and opinions, instead of simply agreeing with your parent's ideas. This isn't a bad thing, it's maturity. It's growth.
2. It's okay to not have a plan.
Some of the best memories are spontaneous hiking trips or donut shop dates. Leave your planner at home some days and just live.
3. Gaining 10 pounds is not the end of the world.
You swore you wouldn't gain the freshman fifteen, but life happened. You chose studying over going to the gym. When you finally had free time, you spent it with family or friends instead of on the treadmill. No biggie. At this point in your life, busy is an understatement, so don't beat yourself up for not having a beach bod. Make healthy choices, make good grades, and make pizza every once in a while. It's called balance.
4. Netflix is a good friend.
So easily accessible. So cheap. Such variety.
5. Impressing people is not important.
It is literally impossible to please everyone, so you stop trying. Your acceptance doesn't come from others anyways. It's a beautiful realization.
6. The heartbreak you thought you'd never get through? It healed.
It took time, but you're strong. Now look at you, dating and stuff. You go girl.
7. Food is expensive.
You don't always have to go out to eat. Save money and eat at home.
8. There is nobody on this earth exactly like you.
Embrace it. Embrace the crazy shoes you wear, your obnoxious laugh, and the way you love others. You offer something special that nobody else can. You were created that way. Talk about a confidence boost.
9. Ask for help.
You don't know everything. If you're at a loss, why remain in the dark? Reach out. Don't let pride stand in the way of finding something out.
10. Speak kindly.
Picking on your friends and siblings can be funny, but never once walk away without telling them you love them, or how much they mean to you. Things can change really fast, so make sure they know.
11. Find a creative outlet.
Write, draw, paint, play an instrument (The ukulele is super easy to pick up). This hobby will relieve stress and comes in handy on rainy nights or when you've had it with your homework.
12. Being single is okay.
Yes, you look forward to being in a relationship with someone, but your happiness doesn't depend on it.
13. Always keep your phone charged.
This is a no brainer.
14. Boundaries are necessary.
Saying 'no' doesn't make you a bad person.
15. Change isn't a bad thing.
It can be hard to take in, but life is constantly changing. New seasons are ahead. New opportunities are ahead.
16. Spend money on experiences, not things.
Memories are far more important than materials. Forego the new pair of shoes for a trip to an indoor trampoline park with your friends.
17. Sleep is important.
The party scene is always talked up on social media, but let's be honest. Being in bed by 10 is a glorious thing.
18. The best opportunities wait right outside of your comfort zone.
Take them.
19. Life is what you make of it.
Spend your time wisely. Be productive. If you want something, go work for it. If you have something to say to someone, say it. Speak up and don't let fear of failure or rejection stop you from pursuing something you want.