1. Respect yourself.
If you don’t, who will?
2. Volunteering is a lot more fun than people make it seem.
Grab your friends and dedicate one day a month to volunteer work. It is a day well spent and very rewarding.
3. Black is a go to.
Black always looks good. Yes you need that black dress and no it doesn't matter that you have 8 more at home, this one is different.
4. Not every day is a make up day.
Make up is fun but being confident without make is even better.
5. Boys are not worth your time.
You are not defined by him. You are young, you have time. Focus on yourself
6. Not everyone stays.
Your high school friends will fade but make sure you make time for the ones who are still around.
7. FOMO is real.
“Fear of missing out” Saying no is hard when you see everyone’s entire night on snapchat. But it is okay to say no, there will be plenty of other nights.
8. College is wild.
Nothing is off limits in college
9. Call your family.
They miss you. A simple call will change their day
10. Take a nap.
Don’t wear yourself out. You need sleep no matter how much you think 3 hours will do, it won’t. Take care of your body
11. Don’t live in regret.
What’s done is done, it cannot be changed so don’t dwell on it. Learn from your mistakes and move on.
12. Do it right the first time.
Don’t waste your time or anyone else’s time. Do it right so you don’t have to do it again.
13. This is a weird time in life.
Some people you graduated with are married, some are pregnant, some are at college, some are headed down the wrong road. Worry about you and give support to the others.
14. Don’t put your whole life on social media.
Not everyone needs to know everything. Keep to yourself.
15. Not everyone is going to like you.
And that is okay! Don’t change for someone else. Be yourself
16. You are an “adult” by age but you cannot do everything on your own.
It’s okay to ask for help
17. Take a break.
Go on that coffee date. Take a walk. Go rollerblading.
18. Wait 24 hours to react.
If it doesn’t matter in 24 hours don’t let it matter now.
19. Appreciate the time with the ones you love.
Tomorrow isn’t promised. Make today count.