"Sometimes, in life, there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes, you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you'll find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But there's also the chance that the person you can count on for a lifetime, the person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself, is the same person who's been standing beside you all along."- "Bride Wars"
I've learned that this is so very true, sometime someone will come in your life and after that, your life wouldn't be your life without them. I've had guys, family, and friends come in and out of my life but the one thing that always has, and I know always will, remain constant is my best friend, my soul mate. For her, I'll be forever grateful.
1. Valentines day isn't just for couples anymore
2. You get excited to see them even when you just saw them hours ago
3. You feel like a part of you is missing when they leave
4. Everywhere you go is an adventure
5. You give them the last bite
6. What's yours is theirs

7. You couldn't hide anything from them even if you wanted to
8. They never let you feel less than what you are
9. You finish each others sentences and often say the same thing at the same time
10. Home is where they are
11. You struggle to make any decision without them
12. You guys are constantly telling inside jokes and remembering when you'd make anyone else around you annoyed and uncomfortable
13. You hate everyone that's ever hurt them and vice versa
14. You don't even have to talk in order to communicate
15. You ALWAYS support each others sudden impulses
16. You include them and see them in all your future plans
17. You are always bragging/talking about them even when they aren't around
18. The world feels safer because you're never alone
19. No one could ever replace them
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