1. You will be broke.
Viewing your bank account is somewhat comical.
2. You will have no idea what you want to do with your life.
At 19, you are completely clueless, and that's OK.
3. You will probably be living on your own for the first time.
Whether it's living in a dorm or sharing an apartment, you learn to be independent (sort of).
4. You will make many mistakes.
Don't beat yourself up over bad decisions, it happens.
5. The "freshmen 15" is inevitable.
It's okay to gain a few pounds the first year of college. There are bigger things to worry about.
6. You'll feel older than you actually are.
You're nineteen! You're nineteen! You will feel like an adult with responsibilities and choices, but remind yourself that you're young. Your life has just begun.
7. Family will ask a lot of questions.
Family members will never stop asking about your life. How's school going? Do you have a job yet? This can be stressful. Very stressful.
8. You will work some of the worst jobs of your life.
Remind yourself that these jobs are temporary. Just take another glimpse at your bank account to convince yourself that working is necessary.
9. Sleep is rare.
It's a victory to be in bed before the sun rises.
10. You will meet new friends that will last a life time.
Most of the people that are in your life when you are nineteen will be in your life for many years to come.
11. You will most likely get a tattoo... or three.
Try not to go overboard with the ink- your mother will not be happy.
12. In the age of social media, you'll always be in touch with everyone.
Being nineteen in 2016 means that you will be updated on the lives of everyone you have ever known, whether you like it or not.
13. Dinner often comes from the vending machine.
Hey, it's a victory to pay $1.25 for a meal.
14. Coffee is everything.
By nineteen, you are only functioning from the large amounts of caffeine you intake daily.
15. You are your first priority.
Your own well-being should be most important. Take care of yourself and be aware of your overall health.
16. You will have a new respect for your hometown.
It's important to leave home, either because of college or work. After eighteen years of living at home, you were itching to get out. But at nineteen, visiting your hometown from time to time brings a new appreciation for where you grew up.
17. You will discover yourself.
You will learn new things about yourself, and become more of an individual. It's an age where self-love and acceptance is very important.
18. You are an "in-betweener".
You are registered to vote and you can buy a lottery ticket, but you are still unable to legally drink or be allowed in certain age-restricting venues. Nineteen can be an awkward age.
19. It's a year to remember!
Celebrate being nineteen years young! You're only nineteen once, so enjoy it!