January 1 is celebrated around the world as the New Year comes in. Beginning a new year means so many different things for everyone. For me, it means that I have exactly two weeks until my birthday. This year felt a little different. It not only meant that I had two weeks left until my birthday.. It also meant that I only had two more weeks until my teenage years were over. I have learned a lot over the last 19 years. Every year brings new knowledge. My nineteenth year was one of the hardest but best years of my life. I learned more about myself in the last twelve months than I ever thought possible. Here are nineteen things I learned while being nineteen:
1. Step out of your comfort zone.
2. It's not always your fault.
3. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
4. It's okay to not be okay.
5. In order to love others, you need to love yourself.
6. Friends are often found in the most unexpected places with some of the most unexpected people.
7. Everyone deserves another chance. However, don't let anyone take advantage of the chances you give them.
8. You are going to face heartbreak in relationships, friendships, and every other aspect of life at some point.
9. We all need a good cry.
10. Don't forget to smile.
11. Don't settle for less than you deserve.
12. No matter how hard you try, somethings just aren't meant to be.
13. You CAN handle anything that life throws your way.
14. Spend as much time with your loved ones as you can. You never know what tomorrow holds.
15. No matter how much you want to believe that there is good in everyone, there will always be evil lurking around.
16. Invest in others but be careful not to give your all to those who aren't willing to do the same for you.
17. Take as many pictures as you can but don't get so caught up in technology that you forget to live in the moment.
18. Things will get better.
19. No matter how many times I fall short, God's love for me never lessens.