Being nineteen could seem somewhat "uminportant". It doesn't share the fun of being eighteen and legal, or the being-able-to-drink-twenty-one. However, it is an age that you hold on to and cherish, as it's your last year being in your teens. It's the last year someone can refer to your antics as "acting like a teenager". It's the year you realize that you've overcome so many difficult obstacles thrown at you; the awkward brace face, finding yourself in middle school, the high school drama. The years built up to your nineteen years of life have taught you lessons, ones that you'll remember for the rest of your life.
Here are some that I have learned (in no particular order), throughout my nineteen years of living.
1. Your parents are always right. Even when they're wrong.
2. Even though you may disagree with your mom 99.99% of the time, she will always be there for you.
3. Having a dog will bring you happiness no relationship ever can.
4. Do not stress over pointless things. Life is too short.
5. All you need in life are a couple close friends. You do not need to be friends with everybody.
6. Not everyone will like you, and that's okay.
7. That boy you were heartbroken about is not worth it. You are a diamond and only deserve the best.
8. It's okay to cry. Sometimes you need to let it out instead of bottling up all of your emotions.
9. You are not your mistakes. No one is perfect, and you are only human. it is okay.
10. Not everyone you love will love you back. Accept this. There's nothing you can do and you do not need to change yourself.
11. Make sure you take a lot of photos. You always want to have memories to look back on.
12. Grades don't always measure intelligence. You are not your test score.
13. Appreciate your parents. I know you're getting older, but so are they. Love them deeply, and always let them know.
14. Also, love your step-parents. They chose you. They don't have to love you but they do.
15. Forgive. The time you spend angry and bitter is just time wasted. Let go.
16. If you make a promise, keep it.
17. Read more. It releases stress, expands your vocabulary, and is basically television in your head.
18. You're going to question every decision you've ever made. But every decision has led you up to where you are now. So how wrong could it have possibly been?
19. Lastly, you need to learn how to love yourself before you can expect anyone else to.
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