This Thursday I turn 19 and as I wave goodbye to another year I find this a perfect time to reflect on lessons I had to learn to become the woman I am today.
1. Don't change yourself for someone else:
Live your life for yourself, and if they really want you to change they aren't good for you anyway.
2. It's not where you are but who you're with that matters:
(Thanks Dave Matthews on that quote) But really, you can have a blast even going grocery shopping with the right person.
3. Think before you post:
I can't tell you how many stupid pictures or sub-tweets got me in trouble. As I grow I find myself less engaged with social media and I like it that way.
4. Your parents are always right:
Even when you don't want them to be.
5. The people you lose remain a part of you:
Nothing lasts forever and toxic relationships and friendships need to be ended, that does not mean they won't always hold a place in your heart.
6. Life is a bunch of little things:
Hugs, petting dogs, ice cream, saying "I love you", driving with the windows down, children smiling at you in public, wearing your favorite outfit, singing your favorite song, laughing.
7. Always talk to people:
Say hi, offer to pick up something they dropped and introduce yourself to people you sit by in class. Having acquaintances is never a bad thing.
8. It will pass:
Hard times are never easy but they are worth it, and they make the good times better.
9. Just because something is legal, does't mean you should do it:
Think before you act and if that doesn't work think "what would my parents say?" that always works.
10. Watch the sunset:
Wherever you are watch it. There is nothing more breathtaking or beautiful.
11. Hard work pays off:
In school and work both. Keeping a full plate and balancing responsibilities isn't hard but it's worth it. The money in the bank feels great and so does a report card full of A's. And working hard for something makes it 10x better than having it handed to you.
12. Family first, always:
Grandparents go too soon and before you know it you're moving out and see your family 1-2 a month instead of everyday. I wish I could do-over a lot of things and do them with my family. I miss them so much now and would chose to do something with them over my friends any day.
13. Not every relationship and friendship will last:
No matter how hard you try, things just don't last forever. And this isn't always easy to see at the time but looking back you realize who your true friends are.
14. Always forgive but never forget:
People don't change, even when they say they will. Don't hold grudges but also don't let someone walk all over you.
15. Always be loving:
Tell all your friends you love them, and show it too.
16. Immerse yourself in culture:
Go to the art museum, the zoo, the history museum. Try new foods, wear different things, read cool books, learn languages.And travel as much as you can, you will never regret this. It helps you learn, appreciate and grow. The sights you will see are beautiful.
17. Goodbyes are never easy:
18. Work at your own pace:
You don't need to have it all together and all your goals achieved and graduated by 21, career by 23 and married by 25. Don't compare your journey to someone else's destination. This is your life, your timeline. Take a deep breath, it will all work out the way it is supposed to.
19. Life is short have fun.:
Don't take life too seriously. I may only be 19 years old but time already feels like it is flying by, I really don't want to waste any. One day I want to look back and smile at all the memories, laughs and good times I had.