These are the 19 life lessons that I have learned in my 19 years on this Earth. I take these lessons with me on a daily basis and they have made me a stronger, happier, and more compassionate person. I have not learned all the lessons on my own. Some of these were passed down to me from the wonderful people in my life. I would not be the person I am today if it was not for them, and I really appreciate that.
1. If you want that ice cream, just have it.
It will not make you gain twenty pounds. Looking at the girls in the magazines will not make you love your body any more. Starving yourself will not make you skinnier. Enjoy that sweet, cold cone of deliciousness because YOU CAN.
2. Enjoy those things that are meant for children.
Disney is freaking awesome. Why not book a vacation? If you know all the words to “Part of Your World”, sing them loud and sing them proud! There will always be someone that will sing with you.
3. Do not let anyone get in the way of achieving your dreams.
If someone is trying to stop you from doing something that you have always wanted to do, they probably do not want what’s best for you. Your goals are meant for you and only you. At the end of the day, your happiness comes before everything else.
4. Your parents are always there for you, even when you think they’re not.
They are your mentors, friends, shoulders to cry on, banks, biggest fans, chefs, and everything in between. Your parents only want the best for you, even when you think they are so far against you. When you succeed, they are there to cheer you on and when you fall, they are always there to pick you back up (and to give you $20 for gas). Thank you Mom and Dad!
5. Not everyone is going to have the same opinion as you, and that is totally okay.
Opinions are just opinions. Whether it’s politics, food, or a television show, someone is going to have a different opinion than you. These different opinions not only make us more passionate about the opinions we hold close to us, but they make us more respectful of other opinions and open to more ideas that may not be our own.
6. Everything, and I mean everything, happens for a reason.
There is always a reason behind why something happens at an exact moment. Some things may be a blessing in disguise and you may not realize it yet. Your life may be falling apart right now, but that means something good is coming. Challenges only make you stronger, more independent, and happier all around.
7. If you are happy with someone, then let yourself be happy. Do not let outside sources influence your happiness.
There have been too many moments where someone has said “I don’t like the person you’re with” or “you can do better” or anything along those lines. When someone says that, they are not considering your feelings. If YOU are happy, YOU don’t need to change anything.
8. Put away your cell phone.
Life is happening all around you. Social media can always wait. There is nothing worse than talking to someone and just watching them stare at their phone. Conversations are normal, do not make them abnormal.
9. Take every opportunity that comes your way.
If it scares you, it is probably the best decision you will make all day, week, month, or even year. The best thing to do in life is challenge yourself to do new things and open yourself to new experiences. There is always a lesson to learn and there is always a take-away from a situation, whether it’s good or bad.
10. You always catch more bees with honey.
My mother always told me this on our morning drives to school. From elementary school to college, keeping friends is never an easy task. The “honey” in the situation would always change for me, but I learned that simply smiling at someone would make a friendship a little easier to form.
11. Take a lot of pictures.
Take them often. Take them with family and friends. Take them of scenery. You will want to remember these one day. You never know what your last moment will be with someone, so why not keep the memory in your camera roll.
12. If you want to change something, just change it.
Change is always a scary thing, but sometimes you know when you need it. You are doing something you are not used to, which is completely okay to fear! Although change can be terrifying, the outcome in the end will be worth it and the change itself can be exhilarating.
13. Let the people in your life know that you love and appreciate them.
You never know what is going to happen. Life has a way of taking and giving, and although taking is awful, you need to let the people that are in your life in that moment know how much they mean to you. A simple phone call or text message just to say hello can make all the difference in someone’s day.
14. Live your life unapologetically.
Doing what you love on a daily basis is the most important thing. Making choices based solely on your happiness is the best decision you could make. At the end of the day, each decision you make should be because you want it. If you decide to do something, don’t apologize for it. Some things may be best for only you and not everyone will understand that.
15. A hug can make everything better, even if it’s just for a moment.
Hugs from my mom just seem to make every bad situation go away. Hugs from my dad make me feel safe and protected. Hugs from my friends let me know that they’re here for me always.
16. Remember to take care of yourself both mentally and physically before anything.
Your health will always matter more than anything else. If you are feeling sad one day, you have every right to feel sad. If you feel stressed, a detox day is never a negative thing.
17. Although your siblings may annoy you, they will always be your best friends.
My brother and I constantly fight, but I know that I can always call him when I need someone to talk to. They will always cheer you on and pick you up when you are feeling down. They will always know what ice cream you like, what your favorite movie is, and what to say when a situation is going bad. Also, they will always know how to make you laugh until your sad tears become happy ones! Thank you, Kyle!
18. If a relationship with anyone is toxic, there will always be someone better.
Although it’s super basic, “we accept the love we think we deserve” from The Perks of Being a Wallflower (I know, I feel like I’m in 2012 again) sticks with me so much. No one deserves to be yelled at on a daily basis. No one deserves to be left out in a friendship. No one deserves a toxic relationship, no matter who you are.
19. You are never finished learning.
Life has a funny way of throwing lessons at you, and the beauty is taking them all in. I'm still able to learn and grow into a better person, and for that, I am grateful. I cannot wait to see what the next year has to bring me!