Considering I just passed my 19th birthday I have been a little reflective on the last year and my life in general. There have been so many lessons I have learned from my own experiences, mistakes and from other people in my life. These are just a few that stick with me on a daily basis.
1. No one is going to live your life for you, so take the reins and go.
2. There will be people who simply don't like you, and sometimes it isn't worth it to try and convince them otherwise.
3. Others view you from their level of perception, so their judgments aren't always accurate.
4. You won't always understand why things are the way that they are, but that doesn't mean you are lost or hopeless.
5. Grades don't define you, but getting the grades you want make the work worth your while.
6. Making memories while procrastinating something isn't always wasted time.
7. Sometimes you have to view a situation/life through another's perspective.
8. Making others happy is an underrated yet simple source of happiness for yourself.
9. There will never be a point in your life where you have everything figured out, and that is OK.
10. God is always there when it seems like no one else is.
11. When you are at a low point in your life, look around to see who is there with you. Those are the people you want to keep in your life.
12. It's OK to be selfish sometimes.
13. You need to set aside a little time just to be alone and think.
14. Placing your self worth with others is a dangerous game to play.
15. Life continues to move forward, so don't get stuck in the past.
16. No matter how miserable life may seem at times, it does get better.
17. You are not better than others, so stay off of your high horse.
18. There will always be someone who looks down on you, but having faith in yourself can help you overcome that.
19. Realizing everyone is just trying to do their best in life can help you see others for who they really are.