Growing up, when it comes to how we do life, we tend to listen to what society tells us rather than so much what our parents tell us. So here I am, a part of the society around you that is not your parent, and here a little helpful advice. No, I don't have it all figured out but I've had enough experience to know the following 19 things to be more than true.
1. You are beautiful, no matter what anyone tells you.
Seriously, you are beautiful! Beauty is so much more than just how you look, though you look amazing too! You've heard the saying, "You were beautiful before he told you that you were" and it is so true!! Your beauty is everlasting because of the Lord's love for you!
2. Your parents aren’t going to be around forever, love them.
This. Is. Serious. For the ones that have lost a parent before, you understand what I'm saying. I know it's annoying when you have to be home by 11pm, and everyone else gets to say out until 1am, but there is a reason and it is solely out of love. Trust their method, they've got a little bit more experience than you do.
3. Dating the high school football star really isn’t that big of a deal.
Been there. Done that. You're the "power couple" in high school! Then you graduate, and college comes, and you have different dreams, and life just happens! It's cool in high school, but are you going to put that on your resume when you're looking for a job? Yeah, I'll just let that sink in...
4. You’ll never talk to half of your “best friends” again after you graduate high school.You go to different colleges, you meet new people, you drift apart. Believe me, I had the most solid friend-group from freshman year to senior year of high school... I am now a sophomore in college. Do you wanna know how many I still talk to or hangout with? Yep, you guessed it. Once again, life happens.
5. That’s okay because you’ll meet your friends for life in college.These are the people that are going to make or break you! These are the girls that are going to be my bridesmaids one day. College is a lot of great things, but a place to make pals4lyf is definitely the greatest!
6. Stop being lazy. Going to the gym four or five times a week will not only make you look better, but also feel better!
Go! Exercise! Stop being lazy. You'll feel 7x better and you'll look good! A win/win, right?!
7. Your freshman and sophomore year of high school really do matter!
Please study. Please do not wait until your junior or senior year to care and suddenly be out of time and rejected from every good college in the state. Just do it. Your GPA will thank me later.
8. It doesn’t matter what you do, some people will just never like you. That’s okay. Be nice to them anyway.
You can be the ripest and juiciest peach in the tree, but some people just don't like peaches. Be kind anyway.
9. Chill. With. The. Eyeliner.
Seriously, stop. Bottom eye liner an inch thick? No. Actually, bottom eyeliner in general is usually just a bad idea. Don't worry, I have the pictures of me when I first started wearing make up too... It's okay... We've all been there.
10. Your mom can spot a bad person before you can. Listen to her.
It's true. You know it. She's always right.
11. You don’t need a boyfriend to feel whole. If you feel lonely now, chances are that boy isn’t going to change that.
This is self explanatory.
12. Innocence is beautiful!
Innocence is one of the most beautiful things. Do not give in to a boy that says he loves you a month into a relationship because you believe him. He is lying and he wants to take your innocence. Don't give in. I promise, when you get older, you'll be even "cooler" for stilling having your innocence.
13. High school is not the best four years of your life.
It's a fun section for most people, but not the best. The day you graduate college. The day you marry the man/woman of your dreams. The day you have a child! Those are the ones that you will remember most.
14. Always take a minute out of the day to thank God for all that you have.
You wouldn't be here without a God above that loves and protects you. You wouldn't have anything in life without His great blessing that allowed it. Take a moment, be thankful.
15. Spend time with your grandparents every chance you get.
Nothing beats listening to stories from your grandparents about how they grew up. Remember, they're getting older too, cherish your time left.
16. Stop fighting with your siblings, you’re going to miss them when you leave.
My sister is my best friend. We talk daily, whether I'm off at college, or back at my parents house for a weekend. Your siblings are the ones that have seen you go through every single thing in your life to the point, and they're the ones that are going to see everything you go through in the future. If anyones got your back, chances are its them! So stop bickering, you're probably fighting over something stupid anyway.
17. Always be a good role model to your younger siblings. Chances are, they want to be just like you.
They'll never admit it, but they do.
18. Always be humble. Always be kind.
Shout out to Tim McGraw. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go listen to Humble & Kind by Tim McGraw right now. Then apply to your life.
19. Stop wishing your life away. You only get to be young once.
Be young! Have fun! You're still a teenager, stop trying to grow up. In the wise words for Drake: "YOLO."