19 Things I've Learned After 19 Years | The Odyssey Online
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19 Things I've Learned After 19 Years

19 years is a little, but a lot.

19 Things I've Learned After 19 Years
Dani Tuch

On the 27th of September, I will officially be 19 years old, meaning it is my last year of being a teenager. Over the last 19 years, I've learned so much and the great, yet scary thing is there is so much left to learn. Here are 19 things that I've learned that I hope people are able to relate to and/or learn from.

1. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

This has been ingrained into me ever since I was a child. Most people deserve human decency and respect and that is at the least. Which ever way you want a particular person to treat you, treat them the same way.

2. Put yourself first.

This is a lesson I learned recently. It may seem selfish, but it really just isn't. At the end of the day, the person that you will always have is yourself. Putting yourself first, while still caring about how it affects others is a delicate balance, but a worthwhile one as well.

3. Tell the people that you love that you love them.

In the moment it seems like our lives are never-ending. But looking back on the past 19 years, it has gone by so fast. I say this to say that we don't have forever to tell people things. So if you love someone just say it.

4. Make sure to defrost your car at least 15 minutes before you need to leave.

There has been many a day where I have gotten into my car and the windshield had a layer of ice over it. I would then have to wait twenty minutes before driving to school. Trust me, take the time to start your car before needing to leave. It's a lifesaver.

5. If you are camping at a music festival, buy camping gear.

I thought it was a good idea to sleep in my car for four days in the driver's seat. It most definitely was not. Invest in a tent and a sleeping bag, so you don't end up having any medical problems due to poor sleeping conditions.

6. Don't regret the things that you once wanted.

Sometimes it's hard when looking back on a situation that didn't end well, based on things that you wanted in the moment. Use those moments as learning experiences, instead of thinking about them as regrets or things you feel bad about.

7. Everybody makes mistakes. It's how they grow from them that matters.

Everyone is human, so everyone is going to mess up from time to time. It is how they then use those experiences to grow into a better person that matters the most.

8. Don't say that you're sorry unless you mean it.

Sorry is just a word. It is the action following sorry that makes a person know that they really mean it. Also, don't feel the need to just say sorry to make the situation better. Only say it if you actually feel bad about something that you've done or if you feel bad for a situation someone else is in.

9. Know your worth.

I've struggled with self-worth for such a long time and I have recently come to realize that I am a great person that deserves to have great, loving people around me. For a long time, I thought that I was worth having terrible things happen in my life, but I've finally decided to stop accepting that.

10. Only do things that make you happy.

This may sound cliché, but life is too short to do things that don't make you happy. Of course, there are going to be days that you have to do things that don't, but when you get to make decisions about what to do always choose your happiness.

11. Never give up on what you want.

Again this sounds super cliché, but this lesson is legitimate. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get into USC or live in LA, but I put myself out there and against all odds I got in. If you never go for the things you want the answer will always be no.

12. Treat yourself (in moderation).

This is still something I am learning. It's okay to buy a cute new pair of shoes or an expensive ticket to see your favorite band. What isn't okay is doing that all the time. For one thing, it takes the fun out of it when you're doing it consistently and for another, you'll eventually run out of money.

13. Look forward, not backward.

I have a habit of living in really great moments of the past. Sometimes it's nice to be nostalgic, but it often prevents you from looking at your future in a tangible way because you still long for the way things used to be. If possible, lessen how often you live in your memories so that you can make new ones.

14. Take care of yourself.

This is in line with many of the other lessons, but I feel the need to emphasize it. At the end of the day, you go home to yourself. You are the only person that you know you will 100% have for the rest of your life. Knowing this, take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Go to the doctor, go to a therapist, meditate, eat healthy, exercise, but really just take care of yourself in any way that you need to.

15. Appreciate art of all types.

This is in regards to fine art, music, dance, theatre and many other types of creative self-expression. Art allows you to become vulnerable and to feel something. While this can be scary or uncomfortable at times, it's also really beautiful and allows you to look at things in a different light.

16. Crying is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

I used to think that crying meant that I was not able to handle my emotions and that I was overreacting or being overly emotional. I now realize that is totally incorrect. Crying shows that you are experiencing really intense feelings and that you are okay accepting them. A good cry every once in a while is healthy and encouraged.

17. "Love yourself - and all else will follow" - Fran Goldenberg

My grandma wrote this in a card to a very dear friend of mine and I now try to live my life by it. You, as a person, need to love all of the good and bad parts about yourself in order to live a life where everything will fall into place. This means that you accept yourself enough in your own life to know what you deserve and to allow good things to happen.

18. Live your best life.

I started saying this almost a year ago ironically and as time has gone by I say it more and more seriously. Make choices for yourself that make you happy (like I've emphasized 1897 times previously). Be the best version of yourself as much as you can be. Do not apologize for the things that you wanted and take action to make them happen. Your life is your own, so make it what you want.

19. Everything is temporary.

This may seem like a really sad statement and sometimes it can be depending on how you look at it. But you can also choose to look at it as, the pain and hurt that you might be enduring is only temporary. The heartbreak that seems never-ending is only temporary. The bad thoughts that never seem to stop are only temporary. This should be an uplifting statement that makes you feel hopeful about the future.

I only have 19 years under my belt and many more to come, but with these 19 lessons will come a prosperous and bright future- and that, I can assure.

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