18 is a magical age. I am considered an adult, I can vote, I can buy cigarettes and lottery tickets, and I think I know everything even though I don't. But, in my 18 years of living I have learned many important lessons.
1. You have to accept yourself, flaws and all.
Self love is the most important type of love there is. You must find happiness within and for yourself before you can find it and give it to others. We are our own worst critic, but you were made just as you should have been.
2. Let it go.
Holding a grudge is a waste of energy. Stop worrying about them and kill them with kindness. Letting go will make your life easier.
3. Friends come and go.
That best friend you had for 14 years can become someone you don't know in a matter of days. It's okay for friends to move on and it's okay for you to move on too.
4. Don't be a pushover.
You are not a carpet, do not let people walk all over you.
5. Voice your opinions.
No matter whether people think you are right or wrong, your voice matters! So speak up for yourself and others and stand up for the things you believe in!
6. Family can be your best friend.
It's fun to "hate" your sister but honestly, she will be the best friend you will ever have. No one will ever appreciate and love you as much as your family does.
7. Make your own decisions.
Don't follow the crowd. If what they are doing doesn't tickle your fancy, don't do it. You can make your own choices.
8. Look for positives.
The glass is half full! There are positives in everything, you just have to look for them.
9. Don't be afraid to show your emotions.
If you want to cry, cry. If you're mad, scream! Don't bottle your feelings up or at some point you will overflow which could turn out badly.
10. Drink more water.
Lately I've been drinking more water and less soda and trust me, I feel so much better!
11. Don't compare yourself.
Learn to love yourself as you are. It doesn't matter that the girl in your class has a better grade or that you don't look like Kendall Jenner or Gigi Hadid.
12. Not everyone is going to like you.
13. Take pictures.
Pictures hold a thousand words, so take the picture. You'll appreciate in ten years when you are feeling nostalgic.
14. Get out of your comfort zone.
I know, it's nice and cozy there but nothing happens there.
15. You are whole.
You are not half a person therefore you do not need someone to complete you.
16. Things change.
Whether you intend it to or not, everything can change in the blink of an eye and there is nothing you can do about it.
17. Listen.
Listen to others and you will gain a new perspective on everything.
18. Make time to travel.
19. And finally, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
So here is to being 18, because I am now older and wiser.