This ordinary Monday marks the day where I turn 19 years of age. Which thinking about it now, it’s pretty crazy how far I have come in life, but haven’t even experienced half of the things life has to offer. Our parents are continuously telling us that time flies, but my lord I didn’t expect it to this fast. In celebration, I wanted to share 19 things that I’ve learned throughout the years leading up to this day.
1. Celebrate you.
People are always going to share their opinion when it’s not solicited, make you feel out of place, or even self-conscious; but you are your own person. You are beautifully unique and have the power to live the life you want. Don’t ever think another person has the right to make the decisions that dictate your life; you have the power in your hands!
2. Your happiness comes first.
This should be your first priority, period. If you’re not happy, make a change in your life; happiness should lead us to success and more opportunities rather than the other way around.
3. People are probably not talking about you.
Silence those inner voices in your head convincing you that people are talking about you, they’re most likely not. And if they are, why care? You don’t need to live in a way that meets someone else's expectations.
4. Smile, smile, and smile.
I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I smile at every single person I make eye contact with. You have no idea what that person could be going through, and that smile you give them could change their day around completely.
5. Treat yourself.
Schedule an appointment for a massage, change up your hair, and fill that bubble bath, as well as your wine glass, to the rim. Life is unexpected and too short, you’re allowed to indulge and focus on yourself every once in a while.
6. Love with all you got.
Tell and show how much that person means to you; life isn’t guaranteed. Expressing all that you feel will make the relationship you share enriched, rather than enduring guilt for the things you wished you would have said or done.
7. Soak up those rays.
We always take this beautiful weather for granted; lather up some sunblock and soak up some Vitamin D, boosting your serotonin. It's better to be out and fully enjoy the day than being cooped up inside stuck in technology all day.
8. Forgive
Easier said than done I know, but are grudges really worth holding? Be the bigger person, do yourself a favor, and let go in order to focus on what's important. There is so much more you could exert your energy on, don't let that be taken up by negative vibes.
9. Always appreciate the presence of a dog.
What did the human race do to deserve dogs, honestly? I catch myself watching dog videos for a good hour, and still have yet to regret it. (Most likely not going to happen). Have you seen their squishy faces? They are so genuine, loving, and loyal of companions that they definitely dominate all other pets; sorry cat lovers.
10. Trust your gut.
It's there for a reason, don't ignore it.
11. It's okay to cut out the negative.
Everyone handles life in different ways, but don't be afraid to turn the other direction if you're constantly surrounded by the negatives. Not only does it bring you down emotionally, but as well as a person. If what you do for them doesn't ever seem good enough; you shouldn't spend all your time and hard work on trying to prove it to them. Focus on what makes you happy and surround yourself with positive vibes.
12. Always make room for ice cream.
The only thing I look forward to when the main course comes out is what the dessert menu has to offer. Stop worrying about your weight or restricting yourself; indulge, because no one deserves that pint of Ben and Jerry's as much as you do. With all the bitter things that life throws at us, we need to celebrate with something sweet, am I right? Dig in my friend.
13. Nap often.
Whether it's to escape from your problems, an overload of homework, or even to just take some time to relax, napping is the way to go. Not only do you catch up on some sleep that you definitely need, but you feel re-energized and ready to take on the night.
14. Try something new.
When you have an opportunity try and branch out. I always seem to regret my decisions if I pick the same entree from the menu at my local restaurant, or pass up on an event I haven't attended before. Get passed the nerves and just do something new! If you end up not liking it, then you can at least say you tried.
15. Less is more.
Looking back on photos, ouch, I did a number with my blush and eyeliner. I learned that simply embracing your natural beauty will make all the difference, making it easier for me to enhance the focus points of my face rather than disguise them with makeup. YouTube beauty gurus are your friends.
16. Accept change.
Change is inevitable, and without it, our lives wouldn't grow. People leaving and coming into our lives is a continuous action and shows the fact that everything happens for a reason. Trust the process.
17. Save money for a memory.
I cannot tell you how many times I regret going out to eat or simply shopping for the things I don't need because then I don't have the money to spend on my bucket list. Set aside money for an adventure that will give you so many memories.
18. Look at the other perspective.
It's so important to step into someone else's shoes because you'll create a better understanding of a situation as a whole. People can be so one-sided; go the extra mile to evaluate all the factors, making the conversation more reasonable and comfortable.
19. Don't take life too seriously.
Life is a continuous roller coaster of making mistakes, learning from them--repeat. Everything essentially gets better, no matter what. Take a deep breath, laugh a lot, and love often.
Birthdays continuously remind you that you're not getting any younger; but with the years that have passed, it has made me realize the importance of things that help you mentally/emotionally as an individual. With age comes more wisdom, and I hope that some of you can relate or even learn from some of the lessons I had to figure out by myself.