With my birthday only a few weeks away, I thought that I would share
A few of the things I've learned so far, starting with my hair.
Be thankful for the hair you have, you don't get another head,
And don't keep friends that bring you down, but build you up instead.
Appreciate the bad weather, the snow, the wind, and the mud,
And know that family isn't made up of just those with your same blood.
Others can't define you, that's a path for only you,
So always remember to keep calm, and be confident in what you do.
Find something you're great at, and can make money from,
If anyone doubts what you can do, politely tell them they wrong.
Allow everyone your trust, until they prove undeserving,
Sometimes things just don't work out, so don't let them get unnerving.
Give yourself some "me-time," you should be your first concern,
And nothing is ever that important, but if it is it will return.
Jump on opportunities, you never you where they might lead,
Follow your heart wherever it goes, as long as your head agrees.
It's okay to skip class sometimes, as long as your grades are fine.
Also, leggings ARE pants, I wear them all the time!
Lastly, two things my grandma taught me, which I have found to be true,
Are always respect your elders, and don't speak until spoken to.
So while I can't yet give advice on being a mom or a wife,
Here are 19 things I've learned, in my 19 years of life.