I started college two weeks ago and when someone asked how old I was turning next month I almost spit out my food when I realized I was turning 19. 19 is such a strange in between age because it's your last year as a teenager but your almost a 20 something. You either feel like your 12 or 24. I feel like 19 kind of sneaks up on you so here are 19 things that everyone should definitely know before turning 19.
1. Sometimes It's Better To Keep Your Mouth Shut.
By now you should know that if you don't have anything nice to say it's best to say nothing at all. Yes, even on Twitter.
2. Crying Is Okay. Let It Out.
Sometimes a good cry is what you need to clear your head. Never be embarrassed about how you choose to express your emotions.
3. Just Because She's Pretty Doesn't Mean You're Not.
Beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes. There's nothing wrong with admiring someone else's beauty as long as you realize it doesn't diminish your own.
4. You Were Pretty Before Steven From Sigma Pineapple Said So.
For real doll I promise you'll meet someone who thinks so!
5. You Can Say No To Going Out Sometimes.
You know your body better than anyone else and if you know that you're going to be miserable in the morning if you go out then stay in and get some sleep.
6. The Office Is The Best Cure To A Bad Mood.
If watching Jim and Pam fall in love doesn't make you feel warm and fuzzy inside you're lying to yourself.
7. You Don't Need To Live At The Gym To Be Fit.
Being fit is so much more than killing yourself in the gym every morning. Staying hydrated and eating healthy helps shape your fitness journey from the inside out.
8. Getting Help Is Okay.
It seems to be so frowned upon to ask for help as young person. You're often labeled as helpless or overemotional but never be afraid to get the help you need. Mental illness is no joke and there are so many amazing resources out there to remind you're not alone in your feelings
9. Make Sure You Always Check On Your Friends/Family.
If you think someone's acting different there's no reason not to talk to them directly about it. Caring about the people is your life. No one wants a one-sided relationship.
10. You Don't Need To Be In A Relationship To Be Happy.
Just because you don't have a significant other to go places with and do fun things doesn't mean that there aren't other people in your life that you can't spend time with. Invest into your friendships, you'll get out what you put in. And besides everyone always meets someone when they're not looking.
11. Tell Your Parents You Love Them.
Not everyone is the type to throw around "I love yous" but your parent love you so much that even if your not the type to gush it important to let them know how important they are to you.
12. "Saying Yes To Happiness Means Learning To Say No To Things And People That Stress You Out."
I have no idea where this quote is originally from but one of my friends sent it to me. Learning to say is something that I've personally never been very good at but when I do I always save myself from unwanted stress. Saying no to overwhelming plans and toxic people is the best thing you can do for yourself.
13. Healing Isn't Easy.
Whether it be a physical or mental wound some days will be better than others. You'll wake up some days feeling good and then other days that old pain may be back. That doesn't mean you're not getting better. It just means you need time.
14. Stop Apologizing.
Never say sorry for standing up for what you believe and speaking your mind. Way too often young ladies say their sorry for their opinions. Girls stop being sorry for having morals and start being sorry that ignorant people can't accept that.
15. Love Yourself First.
You won't be able to love someone fully if you don't love yourself. work on yourself first and if that person was meant to be in your life they'll still be there when you're done.
16. You're Not "Too Cool."
Your bestie wants to go get waffles in her pjs and no makeup? Go. The little girl your babysitting wants to skip down the street singing? Start skipping and sing loud. Your mom wants to come visit? Let her. Your not too cool to enjoy the silly things in life. Anyone that thinks they are is missing out.
17. Write It All Down.
The best thing you can do for yourself is keep a journal to write down the sad things and the happy things. Being able to look back and remember how you felt while you were writing those things will show you how much you've grown. 10/10 would recommend.
18. Eat It.
Please just eat the piece of cake. You have nothing to lose by eating something that you enjoy. It's silly not to eat something because you're worried about it'll make someone else view you.
19. This Is Your Last Year Being A Teenager.
Do with that information what you will. Yikes.